View Full Version : Moles - Been worrying about them all day.

27-10-06, 11:15
Hi all,

I have had a scare today as a colleague has told me, his dad went doctors to get a mole checked out and it was canserous.
I have had two moles appear between my neck and cheek (left hand side), arrived about for three months ago, even have hairs grow out of them.

This has got me in a high anxiety state.
Is it possible for people to have moles appear in the later years (I'm 32) as I am a very moley person.

I have an appointment with the doctor in two weeks time for a checkup and I don't want to go running to his office any ealier with this
as I'm already worrying about a lump I can feel under on right side of neck.

Can anybody help?


27-10-06, 12:15
dont you go worrying i have them hairs aswell they are harmless love suexxx

27-10-06, 12:36
I have new moles appearing quite often. I actually went to my GP about a strange looking one that appeared on my arm and she said it was fine and that it was just growing! I also have some with hairs growing out that I have to trim every now and again!!! If you can't wait 2 weeks for your doctors appointment you could always go to a NHS drop in centre to have them checked.
Love Helen

27-10-06, 18:36
hi red, we have a health book at home (we were given it, i wouldnt have it in the house otherwise!) and in there it says that hairy moles are extremely unlikely to be cancerous. Also none of the symptoms it lists as signs to look out for are what you describe - they are more about a mole you already have becoming manky. I really dont think you have anything to worry about - you are probably only thinking about them because of your colleague's dad.

The lump in your neck sounds like a lymph node to me, i have had an enlarged lymph node in my neck too, it really freaked me out, cos it felt pretty big, but it was quite normal - these things come and go (although as luck would have it, mine lasted for months and months just to worry me even more ;)).

take care

27-10-06, 19:40
Take a picture of them as well and then you can compare the size and colour in the future so you can see if they change atall.

I am sure I get more moles each year as well.

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel
