View Full Version : will anti-psychotics or mood stabilisers help me? need something!

29-09-13, 03:39
I'm in a terrible state. I am currently in a psychiatric hospital, where I was brought in for my suicidal behaviour. I've been here 3 weeks and feel no better. Prior to coming into hospital, my diagnoses were severe depression, general anxiety, social anxiety, and the doctors in here have diagnosed me with personality disorder. I'm not coping in day to day with my constant low mood and anxiety and my horrible thoughts. I just can't enjoy things or feel happy like I used to. I TRY to take my mind off things, but I find it so hard to focus and I always end up running into myself. I've had social anxiety for years (the label cuts a long story short) hence believing everyone hates me and not trusting people, and panicking when I talk to people. Problems were so bad I just about coped at college and couldn't cope at work. Social situations put me in such discomfort. The only people I've easy with are close family. And I have recurrent flashbacks of bullying at school. Anyway, now I'm having horrible thoughts all the time...I have horrible nightmares, I believe I am the only human in thos world and everyone else are robots in a conspiracy to torment me as much as possible, and I believe my dad and 2 friends are getting me to kill myself, so I'm not speaking to my 2 friends now, and whenever they're nice to me, I feel patronising me and trying to fool me. And my psychiatrist is so arrogant and hardly gives me chance to talk, and they're going to discharge me in a week and a half, even though I'm still suicidal. My mum initially wasn't happy about that, but now she wants me out because she knows I hate it here, but and I've decided it's because she wants me to kill myself, and I impulsivly sent her about 50 messages telling her that, and she told me to stop sending her evil messages. I also heard a male staff member imitating my hysterical crying today. A part of me thinks these thoughts seem unexplainable, but I really believe they're real. I feel impulsive to end my life on top of my desire to no longer be here. But I'm giving it one last shot, but asking, do you think anti-psychotics or mood stabilisers will help my thoughts? I'm not ready for psychology yet, and I'm not coping right now. I'm screaming for help I feel I should be getting!

29-09-13, 04:21
I think medication will help. Difficult though it might be to believe, but conspiracy theories are really common. Some people think they are Jesus, some people think they are being followed and some people think similar thoughts to you. I've not been in your shoes and I can't imagine, but it must be awful and very difficult to understand what reality is, but i think whatever medication they're offering to you - they are doing for no other reason than to help you.

I don't like taking medication myself, however, I think if things got bad and i was feeling very low I would.

Here's another thing - you say you try to take your mind off things, but when you try not to think about things, that's what you end up thinking about, so if there is anyway you can try to distract yourself (like the tv if possible), that might help.

I understand it must be very difficult to let go and put your trust in people who you don't feel have the right intentions, but there is no conspiracy, they only want to help and i hope you can accept that in order to start getting better. I hope you are okay - this won't go overnight, but with time and help it will get better and things will improve.

Good luck

29-09-13, 09:14
I feel for you my freind here is a couple of ideas that might help if you like reading try this book The power of now by Eckhart Tolle it's turned my life around don't worry if you don't get it at first use it as tool to help you through when you need it also check out his video post on you tube. Secondly I find meditation a huge relief and I go to a Buddhist centre once or twice a week I also read a lot about Buddhism I like their approach to life even though I'm not really a Buddhist there are quite a few of us at the mediation class who have had severe mental health problems and still do kindred spirits maybe? Exercise is brilliant when I'm manic i can walk up to 10miles a day and I chant positive mantras to myself I don't care if people think I'm nuts it helps me I'm currently coming of medication after nearly ten years and really struggle still at times but their is light at the end of the tunnel and that keeps me going I hope this helps you a little and if you need some more help I will try and suggest some ideas although Im no expert just a guy whose had mental health anxiety and mood disorder problems for a long long time :)

29-09-13, 16:11
I work in a secure forensic mental health hospital and most patients I know are going through the same as yourself. All of them are on medication which seems to help. It sounds like the way to start and see what effect it has on you and your thoughts.

29-09-13, 16:19
What kinds of medication are they on?

29-09-13, 17:20
Clozapine amatriptaline diazepam lithium olanzapine just to name a few

29-09-13, 17:29
Ok thanks Joe. I just don't how to tell my psychiatrist. Do you know how these medications actually work, or where I could find out how they work?