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29-09-13, 09:33
Last night I had a belly ache come on and my tummy started spasming
Which I put down to a ibs flare up, I could hardly eat my dinner because I felt so sick as it must have given me acid reflux

When trying to sleep I couldn't lay on my back as I felt all the acid rise from my tummy to my throat, it feels like someone's punching me in my upper stomach.

I've woken this morning feeling extremely nauseous and all I want to do is keep up with regular meals.

I'm just so scared I have something wrong with me like gallbladder issues or an ulcer I'm going to ring my gp tomorrow but from my symptoms that I've said could this be ibs ? Or even trapped wind? I feel the need to burp but can't.
I'm scared there's something major wrong :(

29-09-13, 09:38
Morning MissSunshine

I don't think you need to call your GP yet. Give it a couple of days and see what happens. Also try raising your pillow so you are more upright if it happens again.

It does sound IBS related or even just normal reflux. I don't think it's anything to panic over. I bet you will be just fine in a day or two :)

29-09-13, 09:40
It doesn't sound like typical gallbladder symptoms

29-09-13, 09:45
My husband just had his gallbladder removed. The attacks were seriously painful. Sickness, sweating not being able to move with the pain.

29-09-13, 09:47
Agree with above, the pain is like nothing you can describe. You can't get comfy in any position

29-09-13, 09:49
I'd say my pain is uncomfortable and I do feel sick, but haven't been sick, just have a acid feeling in my throat. Must say the pains horrible but would it be constant pain? Mines getting worse when I stress over something or worry.. I feel the muscles in my tummy clench

29-09-13, 09:50
Hi MissSunshine, I have ibs (made a lot worse if I eat gluten) and ibs can make your stomach very painful so to me it does sound like what you have. Do you notice its worse after eating certain foods? My sister in law has gall stones and she is agony when they flair up so I'm no dr but I'm sure its not that xxx

29-09-13, 10:01
Hiya I have changed my diet recently I decided to eat more healthy to switched from white bread to brown bread that may be the problem! Also from milk chocolate to dark chocolate.. Last night was pretty bad for me but today I'm not as bad, a back massage seemed to help the pain in my tummy too!

29-09-13, 10:24
It's a constant pain x

29-09-13, 12:04
Also pain that makes you want to call 999 straight away.

29-09-13, 14:12
That's put my mind to rest about gallbladder!
I've just noticed my spit is yellow and wonder why this could be?