View Full Version : Holiday Hell

29-09-13, 12:49
So, my dear NMP friend mikejames sailed off for a cruise 2 weeks ago, fantastic you might think, but poor Mike has had the holiday from hell....

In his second week he suffered a breakdown and was taken off the ship and admitted to hospital in Gibraltar. He was drugged up on lithium and kept in for 2 days before being discharged dazed, scared and alone with no money, accommodation or even a place to stay.

Thankfully his parents managed to arrange a hotel for him and a flight home but he had to fend for himself all alone in Gibraltar for 3 days.

He is flying home now as I type this and was in a real state of anxiety when I spoke to him this morning. Talk about face your fears and do it anyway....this man has had to endure a complete nightmare and how he managed to find the strength to get through it I really don't know.

I think you will all agree that he has been so very courageous. I know how scared, anxious and isolated he has been....Mike sweetie, you deserve a medal for getting through such a frightening ordeal....I know you will get home safely later today and I hope that you will update and let us all know that you are ok...please.

I am thinking of you Mike and sending the biggest hugs and lots of love to you. Stay strong ;)

:bighug1::bighug1: xxxx :hugs:xxxx

29-09-13, 13:43
Aww no! How absolutely petrifying.....don't think I can imagine anything worse than that happening in another country :weep:

Maybe it was just a wee bit too soon for that type of trip, but we never really know do we? We can be feeling really well and confident, then out of the blue, it hits us.

Kittikat I know how close you guys have become, so it must have been really hard for you too, knowing that poor Mike was going through this hell.

I'm so glad that Mikes parents managed to arrange a hotel for him, but it still must have been a living hell for him, it must be awful to be that ill and so far from home :weep:

Mike, I know it's been a living hell, but you know what?........you did it and you survived it. :yesyes: I understand that you're probably not feeling at all positive right now, but I always like to find positives from any experience if I can :)

I'm sending love and hugs to both you and Kittikat.

:hugs: :bighug1: :hugs: :bighug1: :hugs: :bighug1: :hugs: :bighug1: :hugs:

29-09-13, 13:45
I am really sorry to hear this and hope that once Mike is home he will start to recover again. Sending hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:

29-09-13, 15:44

29-09-13, 15:46
That's terrible and quite upsetting to think of someone on their own in another country going through that. Sending best wishes and hope to hear Mike is home safetly

29-09-13, 15:54
That's shocking news about mikejames.what an ordeal.
Hope you soon recover:hugs::hugs::hugs:

29-09-13, 16:53

MIKEJAMES home safe

If you think anything can get worse then try this

got taken off ship
whole point of cruising is because I hate flying

so me mr lucky was on my own in a spanish hospital .........got discharged and my insurance would not pay as pre existing condition had 2 nights in a hotel all alone and then flew home today how I have done it beats me but NMP friends it can be done

thanks kitti she has been a bloody angel god knows how I would have coped


29-09-13, 17:22
So pleased to hear that you are home safetly. Xx

29-09-13, 19:57
So glad you made it through your ordeal Mike, it must of been horrendous for you and on your own too!
But you survived! You fought your fear(flying) and did it yeah!

Chill out now and come back down. Xx

29-09-13, 21:03
Wow. Now that took courage, mike, real courage. I take my hat off to you. I guess, when you just HAVE to do it, well.... You do.......

29-09-13, 21:43
Sorry to hear about the holiday, Mike, but glad to hear that you're home and safe. Don't let it put you off future holidays though, I think you deserve some R&R after all that!