View Full Version : so scared of systoscopy tomorrow

29-09-13, 17:35
I have wrote on here a couple of times about this but now it's nearly here I'm in a terrible state I feel sick and unwell I keep getting water infections and have been sent for this test but I haven't had a consultation or spoke to anyone just had a letter to go for this my doctor didn't say anything about it only that he was going to feferre me but I thought I would see a consultant first , I'm j6st really scared of the procedure and what could be found can anyone help x

29-09-13, 20:36
Hi, I have not had the test before, but I can say this distract your self and relax don't worry everything will be ok. HA is terrible I know. Wouldn't it be nice I we could laugh about HA instead we are fearful! Ill prayer for you. Good luck! :hugs:

30-09-13, 09:10
Thanks tinker x

30-09-13, 09:36
Jackieann, please, please don't worry about this test - it's absolutely nothing honestly. I have had two now and wouldn't bother in the slightest if they rang right now and said come straight down here and have another! It's over in a few minutes and it doesn't even hurt - just a slight sting when they put the little thin tube in but it's got some numbing agent on it and then it's over in a flash! If you've got recurring water infections it will just be probably that your bladder isn't emptying properly and leaves a bit of residue etc. quite common.

Please be reassured, you'll be fine.

Julie x

30-09-13, 10:41
Thank you so much Julie I'm glad I saw your post before I go to hospital x