View Full Version : Help me, I feel I have weakness in my left arm. I'm afraid of the worst.

29-09-13, 18:05

I have pain under my left arm it comes and goes and I do notice weakness in my left arm from time to time to. I'm worried its MS. I don't have really any other symptoms other then sometimes I notice my (sorry for the details) vagina contracting on its own it's so wired, I don't know how to word that. I'm very worried and going to my doctor is out, he is real tired of seeing me over and over again, the last time he saw me he just ordered a test ultra sound for pain under my left armpit which no lump, thank you! And a blood test. I do occasional get a wired feeling in my face and I have gone to my doctor in the past for this and he did send me for an MRI and it came back normal, I never mentioned my weakness in my left hand from time to time. I didn't think it was a concern but googling my tempurture change (I get real warm after my anixety is high) it lead me to MS not right away but it did. So now I'm back down this road again and I'm trying so hard not to freak out but I'm getting symptoms after symptoms again. I know two things I'm 100% sure I do have. I get mingraines headaches have since I was 8 now I'm 32 I think mingraines will do some stuff to your body and brain. The second thing I know I have is TMJ which is getting wrose and my doctor seems to think that the sensation in my face is from TMJ.

Can anyone please help me put things in perspective? As going to my doctor will only put my HA through the roof and I can't go through HA anymore, I'm tired of it, of all this.

29-09-13, 18:58
Well I have had the MS fear in the past so I know how you feel, but your doc would put you to see a specialist if he had any concerns.

I can only advise one thing that has recently helped me some what - NEVER EVER EVER consult Dr Google.

There will be something horrid/serious that will find a match with every symptom anyone could ever have, no matter how minor.

If you are still worried see your real doc, ask him about MS and then put it out of your mind, but please don't ask google.

It will never help, it wont ever reassure you, it will only convince you of the worst case, every time. In my opin there is no way to recover from HA if we can't kick the google addiction.

That's now my main goal.

29-09-13, 19:35
Thank you for your response and yes you are absolutly right GOOGLE IS SO BAD. I wish I never did it. I'm going to wait about a month before doing anything at all, I have decided to go out and do things, infect I'm going to take my 7 year old to the swimming pool today. I'm going to put it at the back of my mind as hard as that will be but I know it's going to come back in my head. I would go to my doctor but he will only just sent me for more tests and yes it would put my mind at ease but during the time though it will make me crazy and I'm done with that for now, I'm tired of the stress I've but my mind and body through which is why I'm going to wait about a month, if it is MS or anixety it's still going to be there in a months time. I'm not sure how I'm going to do this though. Anyone know how?

30-09-13, 08:11
Hi Tinker

I think this is one of the horrible problems with HA and you see examples of this all over these boards where people have test after test yet although they deliver temporary relief, they rarely solve the anxiety, just create space for its focus to move elsewhere.

I am not sure how it works in Canada, but thankfully it isn't too easy in the UK to go for multiple tests unless symptoms would indicate they are necessary. With a publicly funded system we have great ease of access and general equality but also clinicians with an awareness of what things cost the system.

My personal view FWIW is that it is important to find a point where you can at least attempt to put it to the back of your mind. With MS for instance my understanding albeit limited is that symptoms are unlikely to be vague and even if they were would progress over time. MS is also much rarer than people believe with a GP expecting to see only a couple of cases throughout a 40 year career. Of course that isn't to say it doesn't happen, but it does make it overwhelmingly unlikely and not worth wasting days worrying about.

Now I just need to learn how to take my own advice!

30-09-13, 08:47
That's what I think is a good but also bad thing about UK.
I want to see a neurologist and have an MRI but gp won't just refer me because that's what I want!
Strange really!
My gp tried to avoid referring me on. That causes my anxiety lol.

I have MND fears at the moment. Straight after my lymphoma fears have eased.

Depressed with it x

30-09-13, 09:37
I see where you are coming from Panic Person, but therein lies the issue I think.

GPs are trained to look for flags to warrant referral. They must literally see hundreds of people every year. You mention that you have an MND fear straight after the end of a Lymphoma fear. So were the GP to refer you for an MRI and it was clear, what would happen next? I may be wrong, but I suspect (like mine would) your brain would move onto the next concern which would warrant more tests etc etc.

As hard as it is (and it is only my view) in order to get better we must arrive at a point where we can tackle the underlying cause which is usually anxiety rather than chasing symptoms. I know it is incredibly tough but it seems to me like a never ending cycle.

30-09-13, 10:51
It seems to me HA is really quite common.

Like has been said, docs know what signs to look for with anything like MS.

We all must trust our GPs, (stop reading tabloid scare stories about the time one doc once missed something). This is not typical, its designed to scare you and be dramatic.

If your GP doesn't recommend you have tests (from their own suggestion - not yours), its not helping the HA to push for them anyway.

Yes we might feel really at peace and relieved for a week, but some other HA concern will raise it's head.

Repeat testing isn't the cure for HA.

My policy is now to try and live a normal life and if really worried consult a GP, if they aren't worried, go back to getting on with life.

If anxiety kicks in too much to come on this site RATHER than ever asking Dr Google for second opinion.

Hope everyone has a good day

30-09-13, 10:57
Yeah totally agree with both comments. Like you said it's easier said than done. I find it hard that I analyse my body daily. I notice every flicker and every jerk. I have done google and then by brain no doubt imagines that I have the other symptoms listed.
It's so draining and makes me so depressed. I had to drag my butt out the bed today.

I once thought that I wouldn't be a reassurance seeker and after my first health concern came back ok, I thought that would be it. Next minute I'm sucked into this mess of doubting everyone and believing myself.

30-09-13, 11:00
Hi Tiff

That is a great post and exactly what I am trying to do. Baby steps. I havent googled for weeks now, and it genuinely makes you feel better. And to be honest even coming on here becomes boring after a while ;)

When I visited my GP a couple of weeks ago, specifically to discuss anxiety. She suggested a blood test by way of a baseline. I am axious at the moment awaiting the results (it was done last Wednesday and I need to go back on Wednesday to see the GP). I am going to view Wednesday as a benchmark going forwards and start to focus on my lifestyle and my anxiety rather than symptoms. I know this is easy to say and hard to do, but I am coming to the realisation as you state above. HA is incidious, and unfortunately most of the actions we take as sufferers simply serve to perpetuate the issue.

30-09-13, 12:34
Yes, you are all right. Now like cpe1978 said we just need take our own advice. I'm trying to put everything in the back of my mind, not easy not really working. In canada we have I think the same kind of health care as you guys do. We don't pay for any tests well we could to get it faster I suppose but if it's an ergent test then they do it faster then if it's not. I need to trust my doctors and not "doctor google" . I know that! Thank you for the great response guys! :hugs:

01-10-13, 01:10
Hiya Tinker,

Honestly- i could have written your post! I have had issues with my left arm for over a year now. I also get funny tingly feelings in my cheekbone at times.

I had an MRI around new year- ok- but still i worry!

It didn't help that i got made redundant in april which sent me into an awful episode of anxiety and depression- i have been put on anti- ds which although help also have side-effects !- Typically i get nummbness, tingling, - all the ones that set my fears off- ARGH!!!- It drives you crazy-

The dr has tried to reassure me but i still fin it very hard to believe nothing is wrong.

C x:hugs: