View Full Version : Anyone else fall in love too quickly/easily?

29-09-13, 18:37
Ever since I was a teenager I have fallen in love very easily and quickly. The infatuations turn into an obsession at times and I become all consumed by my feelings.

I was in love/infatuated/obsessed with somebody for 6 years of my life from the age of 14 until I was 20.
I had another infatuation from the ages of 21 to only recently (I'm 24 now).
It's not like a normal love either, it's all consuming and takes up all of my time. I can't stop thinking/dreaming about the person.

The other thing I'm having trouble with is the fact that when somebody does show 100% devotion to me, I pretty much immediately go off of them. I'm in a relationship at the moment and my partner is completely devoted to me. Im never happy with this and for some reason seem to enjoy the excitement of the "chase". It's emotionally exhausting and confusing.

I know I sound so ungrateful and I should just be happy that somebody loves me and is devoted to me but I feel so confused at why I'm like this.
I always push people away.

I also get silly infatuations with men I can't have (celebrities mainly) which is quite annoying most of the time.

Is anyone else similar to this at all?

30-09-13, 15:55
Anyone :( I know it's not a huge issue but it's worrying me that I'll never be able to be happy and whether this is related to anxiety/OCD issues.

02-10-13, 17:12
I'm sad no one replied to my thread but if you really can't help me then I understand. I am struggling here though.

02-10-13, 20:41
It seems you might be using the infatuations as a form of escapism. A way to escape what ever is going on in your life.

The chase is just a high it's a drug and eventually you come down and that's when real love comes in. It's why most relashionships only last a few months.

Love isn't about feeling a rush or being super happy. It's about enjoying the company of the other person and wanting to make each other happy.

Are you afraid of actually being in love? Being committed?
There's I'd something preventing you from settling down to a long term relashionship.

you're lucky someone loves you, do you love him?

02-10-13, 22:08
Yes I find I fall for people very easily, it's because of my history with anxiety and the feeling of wanting to be loved and to love someone. Earlier this year I tried dating but I could not cope with the emotional turmoil of falling for a girl and her not feeling the same way. It can happen to anyone but when you have anxiety problems it can be much more of a problem.