View Full Version : End of my tether

29-09-13, 19:01
When will this churning cement mixer in my stomach STOP!!!!!!!! Weeks now this has been going on. Gurgling and rumbling whenever i eat. I know its anxiety i so wish it would settle down:sad:

29-09-13, 20:50
I know how you feel I had this too ,it took a while to stop, I still get it on and off depends how anxious I am, hope it goes away soon for you :)

29-09-13, 21:49
Well, you recognise that it is an anxiety symptom which is good. I understand how such a nuisance it is, as I get a few digestive symptoms myself which can be embarrassing and just annoying. All I can suggest is to let it ride it's wave. The more you think about it the worse it will get, because you're giving it attention. When you notice the symptoms just accept it is there and let it ride out.