View Full Version : I am too scared to exercise because of my heart racing

29-09-13, 21:01
is anyone else like this? Ever since i had my first panic attack im scared everytime my heart races. I sometimes get out of breath from just walking up the stairs because i get this full feeling in my chest and neck and pains all the time in my chest. I had a ecg a few months ago and also 2 doctors have listened to my heart they have all said im fine. But why do i keep getting weird symptoms everytime my heart rate goes up? This is why im too scared to exercise its so annoying as i just want to beable to go out for a walk and enjoy it instead of constantly worrying about my heart :( i feel so down sometimes i just think im never gunna feel normal again :(

01-10-13, 01:05
I felt the same after my first panic attack. I was too worried to exercise as I was worried I'd stop breathing or my heart would stop. In the end I had to tell myself that I have been exercising for years and whilst my heartbeat goes really fast and I feel out of breath when I do exercise, it's completely normal to feel these things and after a few moments I always feel so much better.

Do you have anyone you could exercise with? It might make you feel a little better.

01-10-13, 21:31
Yeah with my boyfriend. It's so hard though as I get palpitations all the time even when I don't have panic attacks and it keeps making me worry :( I'm having another ECG done soon and blood tests doctors have told me loads of times I'm fine but I still can't stop worrying. I did do what u said at 1 point though I did just start exercising again and then I had a bad stage where I couldn't stop worrying again it's like I go threw good phases and bad phases with it :( and I now have a cold that has made me symptoms worse :( thanks for the advice though and for replying means a lot x

01-10-13, 23:15
I have felt the same way for many decades as I have had panic attacks since I was a kid.

What is your age? Please don't stop completely doing exercise, start small and work your way up. Your heart needs the exercise too, exercise is good for you, it won't harm you.


04-10-13, 13:09
i am 23 i started having these attacks about a year ago now :( but I've always had bad anxiety from when i was about 11. That's why its frustrating because exercise is like the best thing for anyone but in just too scared. I will try what u say start small, its just so difficult. Doctors have told me in fine and im also having another ecg test and blood work x

05-10-13, 01:09
I feel exactly the same. I want to exercise but terrified everytime my heart races. Constantly checking my pulse. Just wish I could stop thinking about it. Glad its not just me.

05-10-13, 20:45
I love exercising, especially heavy exercise. It's the best medicine for me and I am certain if you could "feel the fear and do it anyway" you'd discover how good it is, how satisfying. The reason your heart will race (when you exercise, even moderately) is indeed because you are taxing your body. Putting it through it's paces. he reaction of your heart to speed up etc is normal. Very natural.

The more exercise you do, the fitter you get, the more you are able to do without getting too out if breath or your heart race.

I just read another post which said

"Me personally have not looked back since being given the all clear by the neurologist. Go for a run then ask yourself " why am I still alive" well the answer is your heart is fine."

See: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=142825

My advice is to gradually build up your exercise. But don't be scared. Seriously go for it. There is a high probability that your other symptoms oro fears etc will improve hugely if you can get out and about, walking... Swimming.... Whatever you fancy. Really, do go for it.

06-10-13, 12:49
i find though when i exercise it makes me have more palpitations which freaks me out even more its just so difficult before i exercised anyway though but I've got to the point where they are really freaking me out lately. Thanks for the advice x