View Full Version : Loosing Friends

29-09-13, 22:49

I have recently gone back to uni in my third year and moved into a flat with another girl. I was meant to be on placement but had to quit due to my panic disorder but she is still doing her placement. I moved back on Saturday and thought I was fine till Tuesday when I just completely broke down and ended up going home. I managed to go back on Saturday as some friends were meant to be coming up to visit, a few didn't come because they were ill but one of my friends didn't come because she didn't see the point if I was going to be upset? This obviously made me worse! Anyway I had another emotional breakdown today and ended up coming home, I just cant seem to cope in my uni flat. Anyway the other girl I am living with has now fallen out with me saying its not fair I have left her and she is obviously upset, this makes me feel bad but I am trying to fight it.

What can I do to make her understand how I feel? I feel like I am loosing friends because of my panic disorder and its making me depressed and upset all the time, I have cried so much this week!

Any help is appreciated :( xxx

29-09-13, 22:54
Try sitting down with her and explain how you're feeling at the moment. She may not understand what's going on at the moment but if you explain about the disorder and how it's affecting you at the moment she may begin to understand. Maybe ask her to research it on the internet too.

As for your friend, well, she's not a friend. I'm sorry to hear that she said that, that's not what you need from a friend. But it sounds like your parents at home are being very supportive. Do they live far from your University?

30-09-13, 17:56
Thank you for your reply! No they don't, only an hour on the train so its so easy for me to be at home all the time...

Had my first day there today and knowing I was going home made it so much better!