View Full Version : Tonsil still not going down on antibiotics

30-09-13, 11:40
I went to the GP on Friday as I noticed my glands were up and one tonsil was much bigger and angrier than the other so I thought cancer.

I have had cold symptoms and a scratchy throat but no pain as such. GP said that can happen but he diagnosed me with tonsillitis as he saw white spots on them and I also had a high temp.

Been on antibiotics since Friday afternoon. No change in my tonsil :( Still have a cold and scratchy throat but no real pain.

I googled how long does it take for tonsils to go down and then I read that if they don't it can be a sign of tonsil cancer :(

---------- Post added at 11:40 ---------- Previous post was at 07:51 ----------


30-09-13, 11:44
It sounds to me like you have the FAR FAR more common viral cold.

Antibiotics wont help that. You just have to sit it out.

I've got a similar virus atm. Sore/scratchy throat for a month now (at one point spread to ears).

Your doc saw you had tonsillitis so you have nothing to worry about other than taking care of yourself with home remedies to speed recovery such as salt gargles, throat sweets and some lemsip if you can take paracetamol etc.

Please DON'T consult Dr Google, the fact you turned the actual event of your doc seeing tonsillitis into you are worried about throat cancer shows just how dangerous and bad Dr Google is for people like us.

If you want to get over your HA you MUST stop consulting Dr Google.

30-09-13, 11:50
Thank you.

I appreciate you replying so much xx

GP said to go back in a week if they haven't gone down. Of course I am worrying that in a weeks time the cancer would have spread.

All five of my children have sore throats and colds though.

30-09-13, 11:58
It wont have spread, as you don't have it.

Viral bad throats can take a long time to heal, I had a bad throat for about 6 months once when I had glandular fever many moons ago.

Your only real concern is putting up with an annoying virus/sore throat and making sure you don't consult Dr Google in moments of doubt.

It will always turn out bad if you consult him. You doc has seen your condition with his own eyes. You don't need any more info than that.

Hope you have a good day :)

30-09-13, 12:18
Just wanted to say that a high temperature and white spots does mean bacterial tonsillitis. It's only viral if you don't have the temperature with it - which is why the doctor has prescribed antibiotics.

However, sometimes you need more than one course. I've had a bad throat (absess) and had to have a second course of a different antibiotics, because the first one didn't clear up the infection, it made me feel a bit better, but it didn't disappear - with the second it worked. However, you have to finish the course of the first anyway and the chances are he'll give you another course of a different one after if it hasn't gone by then.

He'll have given you the most common one that works and then the dr will probably try another type, if they're not affective.

30-09-13, 12:39
You have really not been on the antibiotics long enough yet, to be honest, to tell if they will work or not.

It also depends on other factors. I have been given antibiotics that are either not the right one for the job, or else not a high enough dose/long enough course. It may be that you need a different penicillin at a higher dose to kick in.

In general, most throat infections tend to be viral, and tonsillitis can be too, so antibiotics won't work, and it is just a case of letting it run it's course. Painkillers (Ibruprofen) and salt water gargles are the best thing for viral tonsillitis.

The likelihood that you have 'tonsil cancer' is slim to none. You just need to give it more time, and if the drugs don't kick in within a 5-7 days, go back to your doctor as they requested.

Get well soon.:)