View Full Version : I keep worrying about Sudden Infant Death syndrome :(

30-09-13, 08:16
I haven't got a baby myself, but I keep worrying about my nephew :( I know it's stupid because it's so rare and he wasn't born prematurely (he was actually 13 days late) and he wasn't underweight (he was 9 pounds) My sister didn't smoke pregnant and nobody smokes in the house.

I had a nightmare about it last night. It was so vivid :(

I'm scared enough with him, I don't know what I will be like if I had my own baby :/ I doubt I would sleep.

He's nearly 2 months old btw.

30-09-13, 17:52
You can buy monitors that you put in the cot that sets an alarm off if the baby stops moving/breathing.

So really with one of those you wouldn't have to worry. I lost a family member to SID so unfortunately it does happen. If it's not too expensive maybe the family could buy one of those monitors as a gift?