View Full Version : sharp head pains

27-10-06, 17:22
i could have put this post in the symptoms category but wasnt sure if it was or not.
in was wondering if anyone else gets anything like this? i keep getting really sharp spasms of pain in my head which come on very suddenly and then are gone in about 30 seconds or at the most a minute or so, the pain is quite severe and i go really dizzy, enough to cause me to stop whatever im doing and keep still until it passes, and is always just on one side, it can happen several times in a day + really freaks me out. Ive had pain like this in the past if ive been coming down with a virus or something, but ive been getting frequently recurring attacks of it for weeks but so far no other virusy symptoms.
i just want to know if this is another symptom of stress (one of those odd muscle tension things?) or if it might be something nasty to worry about.

27-10-06, 17:40
Hi Emster,
i have also had these pains in the past. I usually get them if my neck is tense, the chiropractor i saw said they were muscle spasms. The pain was usually on one side and would start from behind my ear up to the top of my head. They made me feel really anxious which made me even more tense!!
If you are worried then perhaps a visit to your Dr will put your mind at rest,
Good luck
kt x

Fear makes the wolf look bigger!!

27-10-06, 21:43
I get them about every day, too. It's a really sharp pain and comes with a lot of tension. Mine usually last about 20 seconds. I think I actually do have a virus because one is going around my high school and I have felt weak and tired for the past week.

27-10-06, 22:08
Yep I get them too. Very common

Head zaps
Head Shocks! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2754)
Weird Head sensations and Panic (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3547)
Shocks in head (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5897)

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


28-10-06, 07:42

I had headaches for 3 years, which were 24/7.
I also had these sharp pains, which would strike out of nowhere and the specialist for headaches said it was common and had a name, which I can not remember as it was a year back I visited him over it but it was nothing to worry about.


28-10-06, 15:27
thanks everyone for your replies, just the answers i was hoping for, i think i'll feel better about the head thing once ive managed to convince myself (not always easy for me)
big thanks to nomorepanic for pointing out those previous posts, i found the one where someone was complaining about the burning sensations in their head particularly helpful, as i get this all the time and i think it is one of my scariest symptoms, and is not one which ever gets mentioned in the symptom lists, and not one often talked about, so i think i've killed 2 birds with one stone there, and if you hadnt directed me to those posts i probably wouldnt have found thm and read them. :D