View Full Version : Twitch twitch twitch

30-09-13, 08:50
Hi someone posted a link to a good page where twitching was related to anxiety. Anyone know where it was?

I keep having random twitches all over my body lasting seconds. Soon not good for my MND panic x

30-09-13, 11:12
I have realised in the last few days that I am soooo twitchy. It's non-stop, I'm always twitching in my legs or arms. Makes me feel like I have a tic disorder or something. :wacko:

30-09-13, 11:20
I was just thinking about this!

30-09-13, 12:06
I don't have any link. But I'm sure its just anxiety. The thing that will make this worse is googling. We all want reassurance but it rarely ends up that way.

It can take a long time to fully reset your nervous system and get back to normal/not twitching in my experience.

The less you consult the internet on symptoms the quicker that will happen.

30-09-13, 12:38
Oh so you guys get them to?? I keep trying to look to see if I can see them but I can't as it lasts only a few seconds.
I need to disconnect my internet on my phone. I think smart phones add to the anxiety as so easy to google!!
I need a Nokia only phone x

---------- Post added at 12:38 ---------- Previous post was at 12:38 ----------

I'm thinking its anxiety as it's everywhere arms legs back face!

30-09-13, 13:12
I don't have a link but I often twitch all over and it is always when I'm going through a period of anxiety

30-09-13, 14:37
Same fears here.. eye twitch for weeks now totally freaking

30-09-13, 15:00
Hi all,

Hi someone posted a link to a good page where twitching was related to anxiety. Anyone know where it was?

I keep having random twitches all over my body lasting seconds. Soon not good for my MND panic x

Firstly MND does not present with wide spread twitching so please stop the googling. In nearly all the cases of people with mnd/als I have spoken to the twitching starts after the muscle has started to die and wasted away. And also spreads outwards from the affected muscle group... SO wide spread twitching ==== NO MND...

Now the second part.
Anxiety is a strange beast and it can be very hard to master and I would liken it to water in a way it can find a way out some how and make even the smallest gap into a grand canyon.
And the twitching is just another way that the anxiety has manifested its self, Because you are not allowing it to eat you up in one area of your life it has found a so called chink in the armour and is working its way out that way.

It happens to us all and it is something that we just need to in a way let it run it course and hope that the anxiety gets fed-up playing its naughty little games.

30-09-13, 15:48
I have a twitchy left eye and a buzzy right foot ATM
Hoping its anxiety but it's doing my head in!
Also my eye floaters annoy me the most of light days and in white rooms which my office is GREAT! :(

30-09-13, 16:41
Gee - I have all of those things too!

I don't know if mine are really "twitches" because I can control them if I try, but it's like I tense up the top part of my leg for a second, then tense up my upper arm, then tense my ankle, then tense my elbow, etc and it keeps going and going. They just last a second but I have to consciously stop it, otherwise it keeps happening.

30-09-13, 18:12
I live with floaters everyday. I'm just use to them now but they do get annoying. I get eye twitch now and then! Lasts a few seconds!

These muscle twitches are like my muscle popping. I read that if u can see it move it's normal, if u can't its a worry.
Well I can't see mine quick enough as it lasts a second.

I don't know if this always happened but my mind now playing tricks x

01-10-13, 19:23

01-10-13, 20:21

13-10-13, 10:46
Having to re read this thread as my anxiety about this symptom is slowly increasing!
Still random at times but most noticeable in left leg.
Still random hot the cold areas.
Calf feels tight.
Constantly trying to do self checks for any actual weakness

13-10-13, 15:07
Blimey, I have had a look on the thread on your post.
I have almost everything on there .
The choking is an everyday occurrence.
I try to eat as slow as I can
I have woken up choking too--not eating.
legs- oh heck, ears, water--- oops
anyway I am still here and thankful for it too:)

13-10-13, 15:17
I'm doing this too my arm feels horrible like I've been lying on it non stop feels heavy n weak :( I don't know what to do any more

13-10-13, 19:22
Me to. I just notice the twitching every time my leg is still

14-10-13, 14:12
Both my eye lids are twitching today and it feels like its in my eye brows today its annoying me and making me worry wish it would just go away....goggling is not good it puts the frighteners on alright and it doesnt help !!!