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30-09-13, 10:02
Im having three teeth out this afternoon. Im really not looking forward to it :'(

Has anyone got any good tips for post extractions? Ive never had 3 out at once before so really worried about it. x

30-09-13, 10:44
I've not had any out but am due to. I posted about this and had some great replies from others who've had teeth out. Have a look and you'll find it under the last thread I started.

30-09-13, 12:46
Thanks Lizzie :-)

30-09-13, 14:01

I have had a few teeth taken out together when I was having braces removing/to make room for my adult teeth to grow (dentist knew I will not be able to carry 32 teeth). I don't remember much from the 1st lot since I was put to sleep this is when I was eight The 2nd I can remember seeing my blood.

I did have an adult tooth removed in 2006 I had a toothache from a filling and remember having to sit down when I got home whilst my mum kindly made sure I had clean gauze,. that night I ate a soft yoghurt.

30-09-13, 14:07
Thanks Phil, im just so nervous about how the injection is going to make me feel. I had a laproscopy in April and i just keep telling myself that was real pain, i just dont want my anxiety to fuel this and get myself into a panic. Ive got warm soup for later x

30-09-13, 14:41
I had my first adult tooth out two years ago.
I suffer from panic attacks and varying degrees if agroohobia,
I don't have a prob with the dentist. I trust that they will make everything painless and through various fillings etc, have found that to be the case.

The tooth I got out was a bottom back molar. The injection was just the same amount of numbing as I've had for a filling. It only took about 5 mins to numb and the dentist tapped my teeth and asked if I could feel sensation. I didn't.
Then he took the tooth out. It didnt come out in one piece, there was a bit of force needed in the pulling, but the extraction was NOT painful or uncomfortable, just awkward.

My distress about the whole thing was incase I panicked and ran out of the surgery with half a tooth out or something. I am the same at the doctors.

I have never yet ran screaming from anywhere, but it is the thoughts that keep me in panic mode. Wish I could stop them.

After the extraction, the dentist gives you a leaflet and explains what to do.
My dentist asked me to sit in the chair for five mins to let the bleeding stop whilst biting on a piece of gauze. He took this time to explain, not to eat on that side of my mouth that night. NOT to drink from a straw. And not to brush over the area for a couple of days and then only to brush around the area.
I ate Luke warm soup and mushed up ravioli.
Drank Luke warm tea and tried to only drink and swallow on one side. Slebbered a lot hehe.
The dentist told me to take two paracetamol or ibrufens when the injection wore off. Which I did. If I'm honest a didnt really need them as I didn't have much pain, but I was scared it would be sore so I took them.
Next day I didn't take anything for pain.
I did feel niggles. The dentist explained, there might be a little swelling in the gum line only where they pulled the tooth. Also, the hole where the tooth was, fills up with blood, this forms a clot, which over the next month forms bone into your jawbone. It's important that this clot is not accidentally removed, via sucking a straw or brushing.
So with all this going on, you do feel the odd movement in your jaw. I wouldn't say it's pain.

Brush your teeth as normal, avoid the extraction site, and rinse with salt water.

It's amazing how quickly you get back to normal, cos lets face it we all have to eat and dring!!!
Hope it's plain saling for you. Let us know how you get on. Xx

30-09-13, 14:54
Thanks Dally! your post is really helpful. Its strange ive had adult teeth out before, and fillings and root canals. Ive got to have 6 out in total, so today is like the first half, and ill be one step closer to my brace and having a smile im not ashamed off. I keep thinking that, i just hope and pray i dont have any bad reactions.
The dentist who seen me wasnt very nice, she made me feel awful about my teeth and bearly made eye contact with me, so im thinking shes going to be ruthless. Ah i hate it x

30-09-13, 16:36
I had FOUR out in the end. I was in and out within 15 minutes, I was abit nervous but weirdly when I got in there I just sat there relaxed, one slight pinch with an injection and I did feel a little shakey after but not as bad as I thought. I'm home now and I can feel it starting to ache :-( it's also still bleeding a fair bit, I don't know how long normally they bleed for? She ignored me when I said I was nervous but did say I did well. Just all this blood is freaking me out a little, I don't know when to change the wool thing either, she didn't say. :weep:

30-09-13, 16:38
sounds like you coped very well!!! ;o)

30-09-13, 16:48
Did they give you a list of instructions about what to do after extractions? I can't remember about changing the cotton wool thing but I remember keeping it place until the bleeding had stopped . Well done Shivmarie, you should be proud of yourself!! x

30-09-13, 16:52
Thanks both. Yeah she gave me a piece of paper about stuff to prevent bleeding, and if bleeding happens, and what to do after 24 hours. I've just changed it now as it's been in for over an hour and just put another one in. I don't recall bleeding this much but then I had 1 out then, today if had 4. Maybe that's a reason? I can't talk otherwise I'd phone them up. I'll feel abit better when I'm not home on my own aswell. X

30-09-13, 16:55
they take ages to stop bleeding, its best to leave it alone as much as possible.

30-09-13, 17:09
It stopped for about ten minutes now it's starting again :-( it's really starting to ache too. I want to lay down but I hear your not meant too x

30-09-13, 17:11
4 Teeth is quite an ordeal!! i always get really hungry after the dentist and then annoyed cos i cant eat! lol

30-09-13, 17:13
I'm quite thirsty do you think it would be ok to have a few sips of waters eugh so much saliva building up its not nice :-(

30-09-13, 17:32
I merged your threads as they were about the same thing.

30-09-13, 17:37
Ok thanks Nicola.

30-09-13, 23:13
Wow well done! I'm glad it was over quickly for you. X

01-10-13, 18:14
Really struggled to sleep last night guys. I bled until probably 10-11pm, even ringing 111 for some advice as I didn't think it was normal. I finally got some sleep at 5am until about 7am and didn't make it into work. I also had 6 panadol within 12 hours, I'm in pain still now but scared to take some neurofen incase I shouldn't? Still got major saliva build up too which isn't great. Did two salt rinses already and a normal water rinse, and ate some toast and tinned spaghetti, some dry bread too. Please tell me it gets better?

01-10-13, 19:54
Shivmarie, YES it does get better. That's hard to believe now but when you think about it, your teeth are deeply seated into your jaw, having them extracted is a trauma isn't it? So that's why it a,k feels so rubbish right now, one good thing is that your mouth has a very good blood supply (thus your extraction sites bleeding alot). The good supply means healing can be quick. I would anticipate in a few days when it settles, you'll be amazed. The discomfort will settle. In a few weeks you'll be astounded at how well the healing process has gone. I have found that with every one if the 5 teeth I have had out. Unfortunately I need another out in a couple of weeks but having experienced it before, I am going to expect it to go equally well. Of course like u, I will have some pain and discomfort afterwards but it'll heal. So u stay positive because its going to get better :-) sending u special warming hugs & support

01-10-13, 20:25
Thank you Tessar.
I had 2 nurofen liquid capsules and I can't feel any pain for the first time since I had it done. I just had some chicken nuggets cut up into little pieces and some ice cream. I'm trying to leave it until very later to take more nurofen, I've done another two salt rinses. I'm nervous about the nurofen though, I took them at 7, after having panadol at 4am this morning. Do you think I'm ok?

01-10-13, 21:47
Bearing in mind I am not a doctor or pharmacist, my limited understanding is ...... it is ok to take nurofen (ibuprofen) & panadol (paracetamol) alongside each other because they are different drugs.

Any time I am unwell & taking tablets for pain etc, I write down what I took, how much and when. This way I don't get confused. It reduces the risk of making a mistake & ensures I space the doses out correctly.

Sounds like you are doing well having eaten. And it's good that you are doing the salt water mouthwashes. they aren't very pleasant are they? Err it's just reminded me it will be my turn to do those yukky things (you have my sympathy) in 2 weeks as I have to have an extraction myself. You are doing well.... Stick at it and I hope u sleep better 2nite.

02-10-13, 12:56
Thanks Tessar,
I hope yours goes well.
Im back to work today, i slept 12-6 straight through aswell. Still in abit of pain and some slight blood still. Im hungry but not got anything practical for lunch! i only have an hour left at work. I have taken two more nurofen at around 7.30 and going to try last all day without as i feel a little funny but i dont know if thats in my head....
No salt rinses are not ok! lol x

02-10-13, 15:31
that all sounds positive shivmarie.....:)

03-10-13, 09:39
Thanks Tessar. Im just trying to keep focusing on the outcome, which is my brace and lovely straight teeth. x

03-10-13, 09:50
Hang in there and well done on this!

I started the brace/straightening process last year, and am near the end now... its well worth it.

I don't know what type you are getting but please don't worry about it. If it's fixed one the dentist tightens monthly, the first few times you will get tooth ache for a day or two but its plain sailing other than that.

Most of the time I don't even know I've got one... the only hassle is having to clean teeth always right away after eating as it unavoidably collects food.. well at least mine does (attractive not! :)

All the best with it.

07-10-13, 10:59
Thanks Tiff.
Im still in a wee bit of pain but more than managable. Im off to see the ortho on Thursday to see what theyre going to do for me. I really hope i do not need anymore teeth out, i think ill be so dissapointed.
I have been told i have to have the damon braces, fixed. Which isnt a problem, i just want them on! x

07-10-13, 11:21
keep up with that great attitude shivmarie! sounds like your extraction sites are settling down well. theyre bound to hurt for a bit anyway but i am glad things are progressing in the right direction and i congratulate you for making it this far!

07-10-13, 18:54
Thanks Tessar your support has been great. So,e people are getting at me saying jeeze it's just teeth out but it reeks havoc with everything eating, talking, general well being. But I'm on the mend now. When are you due yours? X

07-10-13, 19:31
Thanks shivmarie, that was kind if you to say that to me, made me smile.
I can't believe people are saying "it's just teeth" ..... That's so much rubbish. It makes me feel angry that they'd have that attitude. Don't you ever let anyone tell you something like that is like nothing. If you are in pain & have endured something as intrusive as this, it IS a big deal at the time. ok its short lived but while the healing process runs it's course, you have to endure alot of discomfort.
As you rightly say, It affects all sorts of things. Having one out isnt great but 3.....! Have these people ever had a tooth out I wonder?
Mine is next Tuesday lunchtime. At the moment I can't wait to get rid of it as it hurts. I expect I will feel differently in Tuesday when I wake up :scared15:

07-10-13, 21:21
I had 4 out in the end, eeeek shudders.
Yeah it's really frustrating ok I had a day off but I got on with it, went to work tried getting on as normal, tried not to moan despite me being in all sorts of pain. I've got another quote from another orthodontist today just getting different options. I'm so excited to have my brace. Yeah it's expected to be anxious but think of being pain free after they are out. I'm here for support if you need it. Xx

07-10-13, 22:04
Am he is forgot it was 4. Believe me you were brave. I might just be asking for support when I have my one measly tooth out! I was brought up not to think of it s anything.... But it is!!!!! Are u sleeping ok now......?

10-10-13, 12:56
Hi Tessar! good luck for today, you will be great! xx
Yeah im sleeping alot better now thanks, off to the ortho this afternoon. I hope they can do something for me x

10-10-13, 19:19
Aha, did u think my tooth was coming out today, only it's Tuesday,glad 2her u r sleeping better now. How did yr appointment go?

10-10-13, 20:05
Ah sorry Tessar heads in the clouds. I thought it was Thursday!
It went really well. He said she took too many teeth out but I can be fixed however I need implants. I'm having braces and can be in as soon as a few weeks, it's costing me 2500 with paying 700 upfront which isn't too bad. I'm just so eager to go now. So need to book my appointment for my X-rays and measurements etc then I get the braces in. Two and a half years of braces then 5 months of implants work, looking to cost about 6k. Eeeeeek xx

10-10-13, 22:15
Wow. I thought about an implant to replace my tooth (I already have a bridge which is cumbersome so I didn't want another) but I decided £3k for one tooth was too much. You will have great teeth after all that work! Hey never mind, u can be kind to me next week as well now....

15-10-13, 16:58
Hey there. My ordeal is over. The tooth's out. It went a straightforward extraction but at least he reckoned eventually he got it all out (some broke off). Sitting quietly now & I must admit it does hurt but I think as much as anything it's where the injections went in!
How are u doing shivmarie?

---------- Post added at 16:58 ---------- Previous post was at 14:16 ----------

By the way, those people who said to you"it's just teeth"..... Good job I don't know where they are or I might come & punch their lights out for you. You were very brave and they are idiots. I am feeling grumpy. Can u tell?