View Full Version : Manchester Rally

30-09-13, 10:57
Hi, I went on the Rally yesterday. It was AMAZING. Just think how worse our (UK) situations would be if it weren't for the NHS.

There were well over 50,000 marchers, it was a fun day in glorious sunshine, there were ONLY 2 ARRESTS and the BBC claim they were prevented from covering it. If they were, it's a disgrace, but then - they haven't made a news story out of being silenced if that is the case.

So I thought I'd include a few pictures here. I'm in blue, holding the banner...

https://www.facebook.com/gill.ashton.52/media_set?set=a.10151809910061773.1073741827.56564 6772&type=1&comment_id=27723135&offset=0&total_comments=1&notif_t=photo_album_comment

I think that should work - it wouldn't accept the file on here any other way, sorry!!