View Full Version : Acid reflux

30-09-13, 14:39
So what I thought was a ibs flare up is actually acid reflux!
And I have been given a months worth of omerprazle.
I have bad anxiety when it comes to taking new tablets so don't want to read the side effects, but what I'd like to know is if anyone reading this has good experience and how long it took for them to kick in?

30-09-13, 14:55
I have a very similar experience to this, MissSunshine.

A few months ago I had terrible nagging, mid abdo pain which I thought was my IBS flaring up, but I also had other symptoms like belching and burning pain, but I just put it all down to IBS.

I eventually saw a doctor while abroad as the pains were just not getting better, and he diagnosed me with a combination of gastritis/possible ulcer/reflux as well as an IBS flare up. He said it was hard to distinguish which was causing which symptoms because of the similarities, so he prescribed Motilium ( for the IBS, to try if the other meds didn't work) and one months worth of Pantoprazole (similar to Omeprazole) for the gastritis/reflux.

Within days of taking the Pantoprazole I felt a million times better and the pain went.

Don't worry about the Omeprazole. It is an excellent med for reflux, and works very fast. When I have taken it before for reflux, I can feel the benefits within 24 hours of taking it. :)

30-09-13, 15:00
I'm on omeprazole permanently as I have constant acid reflux due to a weak LES. They take about 3 days for the full benefit to be felt. I've never had any side effects from omeprazole.
Hope you feel better soon x

30-09-13, 23:09
Yes, I agree - works quickly, no side effects for me either - and I was REALLY worried about taking them! Go for it. ;)

01-10-13, 15:27
Thank you for your replies! :)
I am on day 2 now and I feel okay. Cant say its worked just yet as I am getting bad pains in my tummy morning and night is this normal with acid reflux? i am assuming its because my tummy's empty?


01-10-13, 16:34
Hi Miss Sunshine, I've had great experiences with omeprazole, it really helps me out when my reflux gets bad.

I think you're right about your tummy being empty causing the pain, I have the same thing. It can be helpful to take your tablets in two doses instead of all at once - one at the beginning of the day, and one at the end of the day.

So if you're taking 20mg a day ask the pharmacist to give it to you in 10mg tablets and take 10mg in the morning and 10mg at night. I found this worked best for me :)

If you already have the tablets don't cut them in half though, as they have a special coating that slows down their release in our stomach. Just take them later in the evening instead so that they can work on your tummy at night.

01-10-13, 17:32
Hi, I am on 40 which i thought was quite high? i have been taking the tablets at 8am so unsure what to do now, if i took the meds again tonight that would be over dosing wouldn't it?
Do you get bad tummy aches with acid reflux? I have to have a hot water bottle it gets so bad, also what diet did you have because I'm starting to run out of ideas, i do fancy anything most of the time due to feeling sick and i know your meant to eat small meals but often!

---------- Post added at 17:32 ---------- Previous post was at 17:17 ----------

Also is it normal that it only hurts during the day when i move around? every time i get up and walk around i feel the symptoms come back.

02-10-13, 20:11
Sorry I didn't see your message until today MissSunhine! Yeah, it'd be a bad idea to take two tablets in one day, but you can just take it in the evening of the second day if you like? Remember that it will take a little time for them to kick in fully. I think 40mg is the highest dose alright, it should sort you out in no time :)

I do get very bad tummy aches with reflux, it feels like my stomach is burning and sometimes is even sore to touch and hurts right through to my back. That's only if it gets really bad though. For me it's always worst at night or early morning, when my stomach is empty basically. Sometimes in the morning I feel very naueous and gag a bit when I get up.

If you google acid reflux diet you'll find plenty of information on what to eat (or more like what not to eat!). It's basically avoiding acidic and spicy foods that will create more acid in your stomach.

And yes, eating small meals often is the best plan, makes life a lot easier! Especially if you can't eat much at the moment.

Everyone is different, so I can't really tell you about whether it's normal to hurt when you're moving around or not to be honest. Maybe moving about is aggravting your stomach, it's probably pretty tender at the moment.

Hope you feel better soon! x

Hi, I am on 40 which i thought was quite high? i have been taking the tablets at 8am so unsure what to do now, if i took the meds again tonight that would be over dosing wouldn't it?
Do you get bad tummy aches with acid reflux? I have to have a hot water bottle it gets so bad, also what diet did you have because I'm starting to run out of ideas, i do fancy anything most of the time due to feeling sick and i know your meant to eat small meals but often!

---------- Post added at 17:32 ---------- Previous post was at 17:17 ----------

Also is it normal that it only hurts during the day when i move around? every time i get up and walk around i feel the symptoms come back.