View Full Version : Lightheadedness

30-09-13, 16:02
I have just come off Citalopram (10mg) every other day, and for the last few days I've been feeling lightheaded, headachey and no energy. I was so tired last night I could hardly keep my eyes open and was asleep for 9pm. I am diabete and take Metformin 3 times a day and a Statin at night. My Dr said because I was on such a low dose of Cit that I wouldn't have any side effects? I have also cut down smoking.
Has anyone else had this?

30-09-13, 17:46
Might be your body adjusting. When you cut down on smoking you actually get more oxygen which causes you to feel lightheaded while again your body adjusts.

You should be feeling better in a while :) just sucks right now but you'll get through it. The symptoms won't last forever :)