View Full Version : ct heart scan contrast dye fear

30-09-13, 18:55
hi all I REALLY need help today. I had a ct scan of my heart 6hrs ago and was so scared of it and as a consequence my heart rate was up. they injected the dye which was a small dose (like a tester), then came the big dose. I felt the usual flushing etc and hated it. a few mins later the radiographer came out and said one of the pictures wasn't how the drs wanted it and I needed more contrast dye. I freaked out. I was asking why and wasn't that dangerous etc...he was non plussed and said I'd be ok, that 'some' people needed two doses sometimes. On went the scan and the horrible dye went in.
After I asked the nurse if I'd be ok. Shesaid to just drinkloads ofwater to flush it out.

Well anhour after my mouth felt so dry and I had tokeep drinking loads as was so thirsty. Its been about 6/7 hours since and I'm still thirsty and feel a bit lightheaded. I keep worrying about the dye...but then I do have extreme health anxiety.

should I be worried? I've read it can cause 'cardio collapse' bloodclots in brain, convulsions etc and I feel sick with fear. I've had ct contrast before and all was ok but never had two doses :( am so scared theyve done something to me now.

please help am a mess....

Charlotte x

30-09-13, 18:58
I think you have worried yourself so much that you have brought on the symptoms.

The nurse said drink water so now you are thirsty

I have never heard of anyone dying from the dye to be honest.

30-09-13, 19:15
Thanku. Think id be less worried if theyd just used the usual dose but its the effects of havin two at once thats playin on my mind. I hate this am so worried... x

30-09-13, 20:40
If you were to have a reaction it would be right when they injected the dye. It's normal the dye can cause you

01-10-13, 03:33
i had that for my lungs once. they put a line in but it was plastic instead of glass so they kept having to start over again but it was fine. honestly i couldn't feel the dye go in and just didn't look and drank lots of water. that was a few weeks back. you'll be fine.