View Full Version : food stuck in throat - please help

01-10-13, 03:58
Hi there, earlier i was eating an egg roll and i didnt chew enough and now it feels like food is stuck in my throat and swollowing hurts slightly. i can also hear a clicking noise in throatn and im really freaking out. Has anyone had this? Is it dangerous?

Please reply asap
love louise xx

01-10-13, 06:28
I guess you may have realised by now that it isn't going to harm you.

When this happens with food, unless you are actually choking, usually what is going on is that some tissue has been a litle scraped as the food has gone down, which leaves us with the feeling there is still food there, It is really irritating and a bit scary, isn't it?!

If food IS genuinely trapped, you will be unable to stop coughing. Not a throat-clearing kind of cough but a "Better do the Heimlich Manoeuvre on myself" kind of cough. Which generally works very well.

The clicking is also normal, again not pleasant when you are already worried.

I am sure everything is fine. Hope you are feeling better now. What Iusually do is have a drink of something and remind myself it can't be blocked if the drink is going down ok. When we have these things it feels as though internally we are enormously swollen, but we really aren't. Think of how huge an eyelash can feel when it is stuck in your eye!

Hugs x

01-10-13, 09:22
Oh goodness have I had this!!

Went to the GP for it. He said it was common anxiety because mine happened all the time. In your case if it's a one off then I agree with Speranza. Def not harmful, just a scratch or something :)

Had it for the last 4 days straight.