View Full Version : glands in my groin and armpit feel tender!

27-10-06, 20:41
hiya, my groin and armpit glands feel very tender, i have also got stingy eyes and feel wiped out, any ideas?

27-10-06, 21:12
hi saintdee, i've had problems with the groin area and went to see my doctor who checked it out. Because i'm tensing everything up it's causing muscle pains and that's caused pain in my groin. It's not very pleasant and as always i thought the worst and was thinking testi cancer however it's just a hydrocele which is caused by my anxiety. The armpit thing i've had dealings with aswell, it tends to move around, at the moment i'm dealing with my neck, but the armpit glands from what i remember were a problem when i first started having panic or anxiety attacks. Bloody tender and i tried to massage them though it was uncomfortable. My doctor at the time gave me diazepam to relax them but they didn't make me feel any better so it came back.

So what i'm trying to say is, don't fret it's just common anxiety muscle pains, if you are anxious about it and i'm sure you are otherwise you wouldn't be posting about it, please go see your doctor, it's far more reassuring hearing it from them and if they do think anything else is the cause they can find out there and then.



29-10-06, 08:13

i was also suffering with this last week, its my right side mainly but did go over to the left, it felt as if id been picked up under my arms. not sure what it was buts it gone now.
take care

leanne x

i just wanna feel normal

29-10-06, 08:48

I get tender armpits from time to time due to anxiety.


30-10-06, 12:13
Hi... new poster here!

I can relate to this 100% at the moment. I am forever searching my body for lumps and bumps, things that have been there all my life but because I am suffering from health anxeity I am focusing on them all the time.

I know its wrong and its the biggest problem I have... searching on the internet for specific lumps in different parts of the body! Everything you find is bad!!

I went to the doctors this morning and he told me off for looking on the internet!!

I keep on feeling and messing with my glands/nodes in the side of my jaw and under my chin/neck. They become inflamed and sore, but when left alone they do go down. It's just leaving them alone thats the problem, i find myself messing with them without even knowing! (I think I might tie my hands around my back!)

The doctor said he isnt bothered about any lumps/glands that go up and the down, the only things he would be bothered with are ones that just keep growing and become visable.

Even though this put my mind at rest for 10 minutes after seeing him, I now still feel myself checking and thinking the worst.

Just want to stop it now and enjoy my life 100%, not a 70% it is now.

I have defeated my social phobia now and am able to go out and play sports. Its just when I find myself doing nothing my brain starts thinking about my health.

P.s. this is my secund bout of PA. I suffered them whilst in my final year at secondary school (2000) which lasted about 5 months and the second last year in (Nov 2005) which I am still suffering from now.

I havnt given up work and have only missed 2 days since Nov 05, I have just forced myself to go. During my first bout I was off school for 14 weeks.

Hope this all makes sense
