View Full Version : feeling more anxious esp at bedtime

01-10-13, 11:48
Bedtime for me uptill recent days used to be quite satisfying.but last few nights im starting to feel tence and anxious when going to bed.its keeping me awake feeling stressed.i used to take my meds then just drop off no prob..but im getting that horrid feeling those rushes of adrenalin making me feel tence and anxious.kind of like im coming up on LSD or something..i hate it..anyone eles have this

01-10-13, 11:55
i get those exact fellings, that and feeling very trippy all the time when my anxiety levels are up. the easiest way i've found to control it is by accepting that it is just the bodies response to a physiologocal process - ie too much adrenalin being released. once io accpet it's a physical side effect, although not particularly pleasent one, it's pretty ok coping with it.

i usually do something to distract me in bed - read, listen to the radio etc and this helps avoid those feelings and help you drop off