View Full Version : Help need reassurance/advice

Mrs Anxious
01-10-13, 19:35
Hi all,

Just wondered if anyone can help, I have suffered with anxiety and panic attacks on and off for a number of years, I am currently 1 month in on withdrawing from Citalopram.

Things were going good at first however for the past week or so I have literally been frightened to go to bed... when I close my eyes they feel like they are shaking and I just cannot switch off my heart is racing and even breathing techniques cant slow it down.

I have literally just got in from Morrissons and in the car coming home my heart started racing again but this time I could feel it in my throat and I am having difficulty swallowing, it feels like something small is stuck in my throat.

My main reason for posting this is a/ is this just anxiety or do I need to be checked out (might be worth mentioning that my anxiety is solely centred around my health and that of my family so I dont want to call doctor unless its necessary) and B/ can citalopram withdrawal still be causing anxiety after a month of not taking them? ( btw I tapered off gradually and went from 10mg to nothing on the advice of my doctor.

Please somebody help me I feel so scared I need to know what to do to get a good night sleep, I have valium in the cupboard but I dot really want to go down that route unless I have to.

thanks in advance x

01-10-13, 19:45
Hi Mrs Anxious,

Can I ask how long you were on Citalopram for before you started to come of it?

Mrs Anxious
01-10-13, 19:50
I was on it for 2 and a half years

01-10-13, 19:57
Right ok, was thinking you maybe weren't on it long enough but obviously that's not the case.

I've only been on it about 2 months.

All I can say is that all the symptoms you describe were exactly like mine and I had all the usual tests at my GPs and all were normal. After the Cit kicked in (it took a while) all the symptoms disappeared.

Maybe you should go back to your Drs, don't let this fester and worry you. Nip it in the bud otherwise you might be back to square one.

I really hope you get on top of this soon as I know how awful it can be.

Good luck hun

Mrs Anxious
01-10-13, 20:00
thankyou, I really dont want to go to the doctors again but Ive never had my heart checked and just lately its all I can focus on, will give them a call tomorrow x

02-10-13, 14:56
I feel its always worth getting the physical causes of symptoms checked, just in case. Your doctor won't be angry if nothing is wrong, but everyone will be if there is and you don't get it checked! :)

02-10-13, 18:18
I would say you ought to go back to the doctor, if only to keep them updated. I don't think this would be caused by withdrawal from citalopram, but it may be that the citalopram was helping your anxiety and that coming off is maybe not the best thing. Or if there is reason to cone off, eg. side effects, maybe you need to try another med instead.

This really does sound like anxiety/panic, rather than any physical problem. But doctors are the people who know about this stuff and can help you make the best decision.