View Full Version : Worried

01-10-13, 20:57
I was wondering if anyone has ever felt like I have done this past month or so. I have felt anxious but also don't feel as Alert as I usually do. I have just started a new job and usually I'm very motivated and wanting to get on with it. Lately people are speaking to me and I'm in a land of my own completely blanking off and feel like my brain has a delay when answering. It dosnt stop there either I feel like I'm wondering around in a dream like state and on a few occasions have nearly hit the back of the car in front whilst on my way to work. I do work shifts so tend to feel tired a lot but this is starting to worry me. I have booked in at the gp next week.
Does anyone have the same problem or suggestions to what it is

01-10-13, 21:13
Oh yes, I know that feeling very well. Being tired makes it worse, but I also worry about it. I know it's just anxiety though.

01-10-13, 21:16

01-10-13, 21:22
yeah Joe,sounds like over tired and being worn out to me.Good thing to see the GP to make sure.feel better Joe.

02-10-13, 23:31
The below is from the forum Joe.Under panic attack symptoms.Does it sound familiar?greg

"Unfortunately, when this symptom appears, many become frightened by and think that they may be losing their mind or experiencing a serious mental illness. This adds more stress biology which only prolongs the symptom.
When this symptom appears, try not to react with fear, but remember that it is only a symptom, and that it is telling you that you need to rest the nervous system so that you can regain your concentration ability. Once you have sufficiently rested your nervous system, your concentration will return to normal"