View Full Version : Health anxiety - heart related

02-10-13, 03:11
Hi, my name is Cameron. I'm 19 years old and I believe I am suffering from some sort of health anxiety. I think I also know how I managed to develop it as well. When I turned 18 I was hanging out with a friend and he introduced me to this legal high names black mumba. I am totally against drugs but despite all my better instincts I took a few puffs on the joint he made, almost instantly I felt horrible, it was like all my childhood fears were in the room with me and I couldn't get out. I started panicking and I thought I was having a heart attack and was going to call 999. It was terrible. My friend however managed to calm me down. I have felt like a completely different person since then. Now only until recently did I speak to my gp about how I was feeling as the anxiety was interfering with everyday life, I was perspribed citalpram and I'm on day 7, I feel slightly better but still have to constantly check my heart rate etc. I would like to talk to someone in a similar situation?

Now before all this happened I had no idea what anxiety would be like, and I have managed to become anxious over smoking a legal high when I shouldn't have. But for the people on this I have read about and have put up with it for years, you are very strong people and I take my hat off to you.

Thanks for reading and I hope someone out there can help or relate?

I just want my life back. :weep: