View Full Version : twitching under left arm - really scaring me

02-10-13, 05:41
Hi guys, think im after reassurance here!
I was wakened just after 5am by a twitching under my left arm and im so scared this is heart related. I tend to play alot of games on my smartphone so my sensible head is saying its probably a repetitive muscle strain from holding the phone up or something.

If it was anywhere else i wouldnt worry as much but its on my left side just under my arm to the front.
I had an eye twitch for 3 continious days and although it was annoying it didnt worry me.

Im really scared and feel my heart speeding up as i type this. Keep feeling breathless and light headed too.


02-10-13, 07:20
I can't think for a second why it would be heart related to be honest. We all get muscle spasms from time to time. For instance my thumb twitches like crazy sometimes.

Your heart speeding up and getting breathless sounds to me like being classicly linked to the fact that you are feeling progressively more anxious.

If in doubt though consult your GP we can only share our experience, not offer sensible diagnosis.

02-10-13, 08:49
Twitching is not a sign of a heart problem as far as I am aware. You would be getting pain I am sure.

Muscles twitch :) Your eye twitched and you survived.. no reason to think that this isn't just a similar twitch.

Take a bath to relax the muscles. Give it a day or two and see if it goes.

Of course I am not doctor but there is always NHS direct you can call just to put your mind at rest. In all my years of googling heart stuff I have never read a story of a twitch being a sign of a heart problem.

02-10-13, 09:48
Thank you! As I said, I know its really silly thinking everything is heart related but my brain won't listen!!
I had a scare in the middle of the night and thought I was having a heart attack in December last year. I was rushed by ambulance to hospital, it was not a heart attack but a severe allergic reaction to the drug Tramadol (prescribed for an inflamed jaw). My heart related anxiety started from that day.
I just wish it would go away as I feel like Im loosing who I used to be.
Thanks for your reassurance!