View Full Version : I found this on Daily Mail, Have a read...Confessions of a Very modern Hypochondriac!

02-10-13, 07:58

02-10-13, 08:24
I really enjoyed that. Thanks for posting it.

And it also made me cry a little too. This really is no way to live.

02-10-13, 10:35
Interesting read and nice that it is written by a man too - the stereotype being most hypochondriacs are women of certain age.

02-10-13, 11:16
It is so sad, but its nice that he has written this. I often find this subject is some form of 'taboo' x

02-10-13, 11:53
Sadly, the vast majority here could have written that :(

02-10-13, 15:51
I thought it was good until he told me his mother died of cancer and his father died of cancer 6 weeks after diagnosis. sent my ha into overdrive

02-10-13, 16:19
Wow thanks daily mail we hypochondriacs are often laughed at but it really is so debilitating :(

02-10-13, 17:49
Ironically the Daily Mail is by far the worst paper/website for someone with health anxiety. Full of scaremongering health articles.

02-10-13, 18:28
I did enjoy reading this article but the part about his parents really scared me, but I suppose he was only trying to explain factors that have contributed to his hypochondria . I do agree about the Daily Mail , it is terrible for printing health scare stories and I will not read it.

02-10-13, 23:43
I want to throw something at the commenter underneath who suggests that the author is wasting taxpayers' money, has an underlying need for attention and is treating it like "a light matter" (they obviously missed the bit about his parents' deaths being the trigger)

I wish people would understand that health anxiety is a debilitating illness, and that sufferers aren't choosing to spend hours in A & E on a whim or out of selfishness.

03-10-13, 14:36
I agree blackbroom!

Sorry if I have sent anyones HA into overdrive with this article!

03-10-13, 20:28
Ironically the Daily Mail is by far the worst paper/website for someone with health anxiety. Full of scaremongering health articles.

The daily mail is by far the worst paper/website full stop. Total trashy garbage dressed up in a way that makes it seem semi-respectable.

I agree about the negative health articles - plus most of them are GP, Nurse or generally NHS bashing as well. Oh and many of the articles are factually incorrect or dumbed down to such a level as to be of no benefit to anyone.

04-10-13, 10:37
Sorry but this article has left me so so nervous. :(
I am currently on medication for acid reflux and of course all the thoughts of what if this is more and it's a stomach ulcer? And I've never even attempted to google the complications with stomach ulcers and now I know it's left me so scared. I never knew it could lead to anything so serious... :scared15:

04-10-13, 13:19
Sorry but this article has left me so so nervous. :(

Question: I read this article and commented that it could have been written by anyone on these boards. I've also seen many comments like the one above (not singling out anyone, just observing).

What's difference between the article and the threads posted here? Why would the article make you nervous or upset and yet there are dozens of similar threads on these boards you all comment on?

04-10-13, 16:10
Question: I read this article and commented that it could have been written by anyone on these boards. I've also seen many comments like the one above (not singling out anyone, just observing).

What's different between the article and the threads posted here? Why would the article make you nervous or upset and yet there are dozens of similar threads on these boards you all comment on?

I very rarely comment on peoples post for that same reason. I would love to help others but I am afraid of seeing something that will make me worse, so I come on this board to for advise and help by making my own thread. I came across this which I found interesting and decided to read it i thought it would be a funny article but its ended up making me feel worse.

05-10-13, 11:32
Actually, I think avoidance is what helps keeps our illness going.

Cancer is around us, we can't avoid it. I just spent an hour in the same room as my ex who has cancer talking about his treatment. It's a trigger for sure but it helps in a way too.

People die of cancer, people survive cancer, all the time. Most likely someone we know and love will have cancer at some point. We all know this.

It's scary, especially for us but trying to avoid any cancer related stories isn't helping us. I am not saying we should seek out cancer stories on purpose but when we do come across it I think of it as a bit of exposure therapy.