View Full Version : Hello I am a new member

02-10-13, 11:11
Hi to everyone reading this. I have visited this site as a visitor on many occasions and found it so very useful. I am now a member. I have suffered from depression and anxiety since December 1999 when I had my "breakdown" as a result of work problems and issues. Consequently, I was medically retired at a relatively young age. I had to downsize my home and move to a totally new part of the UK. I had to get away and start again. My wonderful husband supported me with this and had to relocate his job too, which wasn't easy for him. Since then, I am a totally different person. I am on medication and have had to go through the various DWP forms and interviews to secure IB. Now I have gone through the DWP forms and ATOS interview to be granted contributory work group ESA. Despite me telling them I just cannot go back to work they still place me in the work group. It is all about money so that after 1 year I will be "turfed off" esa completely as I don't qualify for income ESA. I have written to the DWP asking them to reconsider their decision and place me in a support group. I don't have much confidence they will change their mind. I will report back.

02-10-13, 11:43
:welcome: charface i know it can be so hard dealing with financial problems on top of anxiety i just threw in the towel when i had to stop working because of my breakdown i jusr couldnt face the interviews and the stress of it all

like you i have a brilliant husband who is always there to support me

i am recovering now and my illness started in 2010 so its been a long time but not as long as you so i sympathise i also take meds 75mg effexor which is now reduced from 150mg

im sure you will get lots of help and advice here so take care and i hope things improve for you soon xxxxx

02-10-13, 13:30
Hi! :)


Gill x

02-10-13, 19:50
Thank you pinkdove and gill. I appreciate your comments. Its good to know someone has read my first attempt. A x