View Full Version : Working myself into a tizz

02-10-13, 14:48
Hi Friends,

I have been struggling with a return of anxiety/panic over the past few weeks. I started off with palps and then the dreaded mental anxiety stuff - scared stiff for no reason, depersonalisation, crying all of the time, etc. I restarted Cipralex last week, and within days I felt more relaxed mentally. The depersonalisation and fear has calmed down, and I feel far less panicky.

The problem I am having now is physical. I feel totally wiped out and drained of energy. I have had pain across and between my shoulders and the middle of my back which is worse when I get up and move about. I have tried Ibruprofen and heated pads but it keep coming back. I also feel periodically breathless.

I am now working myself into a tizz, thinking that I have some heart issue. For a long time I have had heavy sweating when just walking up the road to go shopping. I sweat heavily on my back and back of neck. Even when I don't feel anxious this happens, whether it is cold or hot weather wise. I don't feel tired or exhausted when this happens, just the sweating.

The rational part of my brain is telling me that this is all anxiety driven, and I am putting 2 and 2 together and getting 6. I am cursing the day I became a nurse as a profession as it has made the biggest hypochondriac on earth. I am embarrassed at myself for even posting to be honest, but it is nagging at my mind.

Has anyone else had these kind of symptoms when their anxiety is peaking? I feel so frustrated as my mental anxiety has calmed down, but the physical stuff is holding me back from getting out and about.

Any words of wisdom are appreciated.:huh:

02-10-13, 20:56
Some people do sweat a lot, regardless of temperature, maybe it's that. Or could it be hormonal or something?

I don't have any words of wisdom sorry, but just wanted you to know someone is here for you. X

02-10-13, 21:42
Thanks for your reply, Lizzie.

I appreciate it.x:flowers:

02-10-13, 22:00
hi when my anxiety was hi I felt so so tired, I had to stop working for five months and I got hot sweats aswell my anxiety it a lot better but I still get these symptoms iv learnt how to cope with it better ,hope you feel better soon

02-10-13, 22:05
Thanks so much for your reply, Mrs Stress ! ed. x:winks:

02-10-13, 22:12
Thanks so much for your reply, Mrs Stress ! ed. x:winks:

your very welcome :D

02-10-13, 22:14
It also could be the tablets - they can make us feel hot and sweaty even when its not hot out. Its just a side effect which you get used to. That and anxiety will be making you feel this way

02-10-13, 22:25
Thanks bab.

I think that is the sweating cause, my anxiety. Even when I was off meds I still sweat really badly, but I always put it down to underlying anxiety when out in public. When I think about it now, I only get it when I am alone and out in public, never if I am with my Mum or Sister or someone else. I suppose it is just one of those anxiety things to deal with. x:hugs:

02-10-13, 22:46
I get the breathless symptom nearly all the time lately, as soon as I think/notice my breathing it feels laboured, I hate it so much it makes me sad

Think I am going to goto docs and get full blood tests etc to put my mind at rest that nothing is physically wrong

28-10-13, 10:29
Iv just developed the sweating problem in the last week its like my body now runs a little hotter than before and i get hot and sweaty just doing the small things im convinced ic got heart problems am awaiting tests at the min stay strong my friend all the best

28-10-13, 10:30
Hi hope you feel better soon :-)

28-10-13, 13:55
Yes Debs,I had similar symptoms.The sweating was bad but I read it could be part of the ssri start up.Had it for a few weeks and its gone.Hope you feel better real soon.:)