View Full Version : New to all this - writing for a friend

28-10-06, 10:13
Hey there! I just have to say - thank you - thank you so much for your web site. I have an extremely good friend who I am getting to know for the view of a possible relationship. I hope it will be more but we will see how things go. He suffers from Panic Attacks and after reading your site and telling him all about it he can now see himself in so many ways on this site. I have to email it to him and would really like him to join. He has suffered Panic attacks for quite some time now and I believe it was missed when they diagnosed him with depression as well. Reading your site is like reading all about things he tells me about. Can I ask please anyone that feels like they want to add some comments in to give us some advice about how to deal with the situation. I know I have not given you any information on the how , when where of it all. I feel thats really up to him to do. But suffice to say he basically gets all the symptoms mentioned minus hyperventilation. He has the attacks suddenly and can last days hours or sometimes in a mild way he can be feeling it all week. We have read all about the things to do and once the panic is onset our list of ways to cope goes out the window its just too late. Where else can we start? What do people think of hypnotherapy as a way to re train the brain to thinking in a positive and logical manner about the thoughts he has? Thank you so much for all the info on the site and will look forward to the answers! Laney

28-10-06, 15:53
Hi Laney and welcome to the forum.You will find lots of helpfull advise here.Your friend is very lucky to have such a supportive friend as you.:)

Ellen XX

28-10-06, 16:03
Hi Lainey!

A big warm welcome to you and your friend ! Lovely to see you here, how lucky your friend is to have someome like !!

Hope we all can be of some help!



28-10-06, 19:27
hi laney, welcome along, I have only been here a few days and I must say the information you will find on this site is very helpful. I take Panic Attacks and I have Agoraphobia and I have found useful information from other users and site links that are beginning to help me.


29-10-06, 17:47
Hi Laney

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here. Hope we can be of some help to your friend

You will meet some lovely people here.

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


29-10-06, 17:57
Thanks for that Nicola - really impressed with the site and have read the info out to my friend and he was so relieved when he realised that he wasnt the only one. I think its really calmed him just hearing the info and he actually said something along the lines of finally someone is listening. So well done to you and the crew!!

29-10-06, 18:01
what a good friend you are

so glad you found the site it will help you both


29-10-06, 20:01
Hi Laney,

Look up the Lindon Method on the web. It really helped me to fully understand what happens with a panic attack, and how to stop them.

Just a thought

Good luck

29-10-06, 21:07
Hi laney,

welcome to the forum you will get a lot of good advice here.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

30-10-06, 15:55
hiya. it seems with me anyway, each attack makes me exhausted afterwards, apparently its the overflow of adrelaline. you have to learn to spot your early signs, and deal with them straight away, hopefully, this will stop them leading onto the more nasty ones. hope this helps

take care

30-10-06, 18:37
hi laney, welcome to the site


30-10-06, 19:17
Hey all thanks so much for the messages of support - Keith has been quite chuffed with the site and I hope he does log into the forum - he read all the messages so far and I think he has been quite touched! We appreciate all the good wishes and the ideas from those who have said. Thanks so much and we are looking forward to getting to know everyone! Laney

31-10-06, 19:10

Make sure he reads this info ....

First steps for overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=firststeps)

if he hasn't already.

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


31-10-06, 20:48
Hey Nicola , Thanks yes I read it out loud to him over the phone when I first found the site - it was the camel that broke the straws back or so to say.... He finally felt a sense of relief that all that he had been feeling was actually making sense to lots of people and he wasnt alone again. Thanks for letting me know about the page - it was very good of you to think of us!! Im just so glad we found you guys as we are starting to feel like we are finally moving forward on this issue. He had an attack the other night in bed - around 4.30 am . After the things I had read and what he is now reading on a regular basis - he was able to calm himself saying I know what this is and I can deal with it. I was so proud of him it wasnt a total success but to actually bring himself back from that was a huge step!!! Good things to come!! Thanks again.

31-10-06, 21:00
Oh glad you saw it.

It looks like you are very supportive and that is great to hear cos sufferers do need someone they can trust and talk to.

It is a lot to take in at first but once you get through the basics then you can start to make a recovery.

I forgot to say that Hypnotherapy is great - so relaxing and I used to do it regularly so well worth a try too.

Hope he starts to feel better soon though. He is lucky to have someone like you that cares.

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


31-10-06, 21:07
Aww thanks for that - hard part is he is a little remote where he is but im going to try to get something sorted when i go up to see him next - that way I can go and support him when he goes. He was feeling a little nervous about it. First I have sent him off with a shopping list to get all the vitamins and what not. We have also talked about the breathing techniques. We made an adversion list a while ago so he still has that to fall back on but i want him to take some of the positive affirmation stuff you guys have on here and post it around his room. I think he thinks im being daft but with it staring him in the face im sure it will help. I have also told him he must come on and read a little more for 15 mins a night make it a regular thing to visit the site!!

31-10-06, 21:48

Sounds like you doing all you can and at some point he has to come on here or take on board all the advice etc and work on.

I am sure the 2 of you can work through this in time so let us know how he is ok??

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel
