View Full Version : feel like crap

02-10-13, 17:32
had a virus for 4 weeks..started with sinuses then ears and swollen neck glands and now i am coughing up green stuff(sorry)..dr has put me on doxycycline for aweek..anyone else suffering?
would appreciate some feedback as i feel so down..


02-10-13, 20:27
Sorry you're feeling crappy Gina, being unwell can make you feel so down, especially if it's been going on for a long time. It's just that time of year, there are so many colds about and with the weather changing it makes us more susceptible to catching a bug!

The best thing you can do is be kind to yourself, take some supplements to boost your immune system (vitamin c, echinacea are both good), eat good healthy meals, drink plenty of fluids and go to bed early.

If you're coughing up a load of green gunk then breathing in some steam over a bowl of hot water, or a really hot shower with lots of steam can make you feel better for a little bit.

Make yourself some ginger tea by letting a couple of slices of fresh ginger and a slice of lemon sit in a cup of boiling hot water for a few minutes!

And if you like I can give you the recipe for a really tasty & easy home made chicken noodle soup that is really good for you when you're feeling bad and has all the indredients for giving your body a boost :)

PS - I'm not suffering, but plenty of people are work are!

02-10-13, 20:33
thanks for the reply and i will pm you for recipe ..gina x

02-10-13, 20:58
I would love this recipe too? Are you allowed to post in the thread?

---------- Post added at 20:58 ---------- Previous post was at 20:57 ----------

I know how you feel, I am just starting to feel better after a run of illnesses and its difficult to not get down with it mentally. All above is excellent advice though :)

02-10-13, 21:56
Can you post the soup recipe please x

03-10-13, 10:16
Hey guys, here’s the chicken noodle soup recipe, it’s very easy and very tasty :)


2 sticks of celery – chopped
2 medium carrots – chopped
1 medium onion – chopped
2/3 cloves of garlic – chopped
2 & ½ pints of hot chicken stock (use gluten free stock c
1 tablespoon of olive oil
1 heaped teaspoon of flour (or use cornflour if you want a gluten free recipe)
The meat of 1 cooked chicken, chopped up (it’s easier to use a cooked chicken rather than cook the chicken yourself! I also use mainly the white breast meat rather than the meat in the legs & wings)
2 nests of dried egg noodles (or rice noodles for gluten free)


1 – Fry the celery, carrots, onion & garlic together in the olive oil, in a large pot, for 5/10 minutes or until they are soft & translucent (it's good to have the veg chopped finely so that they soften up easily, big chunks of carrot will take ages to cook).

2 – Add in the flour and fry for another minute

3 – Add in the chicken stock and bring to the boil, then let it simmer for 10/15 mins.

4 – Add in the chicken and let it bubble away for another 10 minutes

5 – Season with some salt & pepper

6 – Add in the noodles and let them cook for about 5 minutes. It’s good to use a knife and chop the noodles against the side of the pot as they cook, so they are more manageable to eat!

Hope you guys like it, let me know if you give it a try, it's very good for you especially when you're sick :)

03-10-13, 10:25
Hi i feel the same i started off with a bit of a cold then got awful cough now feel awful my nose is so sore i look like Rudolph i can't sleep at night for coughing and blocked nose. My legs ache and chest hurts through coughing people keep saying i thought you would be over it by now you have had it over a week. I keep thinking i know tell me about it. I was due to have a hysterectomy last Saturday but they could not do it why i was ill i just want to get better i feel totally drained. My head hurts too . Hope you are better soon x

03-10-13, 10:27
I had this a couple of years ago and it lingered for months i felt awful weep:

What really helped me was taking samucol its a vitamin c tonic.

03-10-13, 15:10
did you all have swollen glands too?

---------- Post added at 15:10 ---------- Previous post was at 13:36 ----------

Now to add insult to injury my IBS has decided to march in on the action..I hate the bowel spasms.so sore