View Full Version : Mosquito bites on holiday

02-10-13, 17:42
I am in Rome with my husband for our wedding anniversary. The journey went well even if I did cry on take off! We got here on Monday afternoon and on Monday afternoon I was bitten by a mosquito. I didn't bring my usual repellents etc as we only brought hand luggage.
This has happened to me before and I am allergic to the bites. I got hydrocortisone cream straight away but they still went very red and itchy. Today they came up in huge blisters. The pharmacist gave me a sterile needle and told me to pop them and cover them with sterile gauze which I have. I will admit that I almost fainted putting the needle in and fumbled so much that I jabbed my wrist with it!
My ankle has now swollen and it is very red and very hot.
Luckily I am going home tomorrow where I will be able to put my stronger hydrocortisone on and see my GP if I need to.
Even though this has happened before and I know it healed well then, it is still making me a little anxious, maybe because the pain is making me tired.
I don't really know my purpose in this post as I know you can't fix the bites :D ...I guess I just needed to share it and typing has distracted me from the pain for a while :)

02-10-13, 19:18
Well done for getting there Annie and happy anniversary :hugs:

I am allergic to mossie bites and have the same problem...can you not get some Piriton? It might help until you get home...I understand how miserable the bites can make you feel.

Take care and try to enjoy the rest of your break!!

Kitti :) xx

02-10-13, 19:27
Wishing you and hubby a very happy Anniversary Annie :D

The mossies always seem to get me too!!!! But this year in the Summer, I used Avon Skin So Soft dry oil spray, none of the insects like it! I only got done 3 times this year as opposed to about 20 :D

02-10-13, 20:02
Thank you Kitti and Auntie Moosie. I have some cetirizne and I have taken 2 today instead of just 1.
Auntie I always use the Avon dry oil spray but we only brought hand luggage so couldn't bring it :(
They look so awful...I have covered them with gauze so I can't look at them because the more I see them, the more anxious I get. I can't wait to get home now for my Betnovate cream

---------- Post added at 20:02 ---------- Previous post was at 19:54 ----------

Every time I pop the blisters, they just blister again...so I guess I should leave them alone to pop when they are ready...what do you think?

02-10-13, 20:10
I'd just leave them alone for now hun, see if they form a scab in the next day or two, if not, and they're still looking angry, I'd go and get them checked with your doctor or nurse hun :hugs:

02-10-13, 20:14
Thank you Auntie, I will keep them covered with gauze...out of sight, out of mind and sort it when I get home :)

02-10-13, 20:41
Good idea Annie :)

I hope you and hubby enjoy that rest of your time in Rome hun :hugs:

02-10-13, 20:43
Thank you Auntie...we leave for the airport at 10 am tomorrow so not long left. We have had a lovely time though. My favourite was watching the sunset from the top of the Spanish steps :)

02-10-13, 20:45
I hope that you feel better soon. I would love to go to Rome too. EJ

02-10-13, 20:54
Thank you EJ :hugs:

02-10-13, 21:02
Happy Anniversary Annie!

02-10-13, 21:04
Thank you Gregory :)

03-10-13, 11:59
Happy Anniversary to you both! Apart from the bites I hope you've had a lovely time :hugs::hugs:

03-10-13, 18:31
Awww Annie, you poor thing. Have a safe trip back, and Happy Anniversary to you, and your husband. (Look at you go, so proud of you) :) Hope you had a wonderful time. :hugs:

03-10-13, 19:13
Thank you Bernie and Panicky me :) Back home again, I have had a nice soak in the bath and put betnovate cream on my bites so will see how they are in the morning.
My ears have suffered with the landing today and I can hardly hear...have tried yawning & swallowing but they won't clear.

03-10-13, 19:20
It's awful when your ears feel like that after flying. Try squeezing together the end of your nose and breathing out down it as hard as you can

03-10-13, 19:41
Hey that works Bernie...Thank you :)