View Full Version : Feeling a bit humph and just want a moan!

02-10-13, 20:03
I am not currently in work due to my health condition (another thread) and whenever I speak with colleagues who are working, I know they mean well, but sometimes they make me feel worse in ways as they tell me things about my job or sort of imply that I am being 'talked' or 'gossiped' about in a not so positive light. This really p's me off as I cannot help whats happening right now and I really do not need the stress. One person is meant to be a friend of mine but he just sort of tells me things and it makes me feel so anxious. I'm only just over a week away until my op and I just feel like I don't need this right now.

I don't even want to return to the same work environment once I am hopefully recovered and feeling well. I just feel like what is the point- life's too short as they say and I am desperate to do something I love and enjoy but of course paying the bills etc comes into it and this is really low down my list in comparison to getting better.

Just felt like I need to get this out there and try and let go of it. I wish I was one of those people who just let it go like water off a ducks back but I seem to cling on it things or it ruminates. Ok that's my rant over!

02-10-13, 20:08
Yep, I have those people too! Some of them are simply toxic, end of. Others are well-meaning but need to be ignored.

02-10-13, 20:08
Oh Daisy, it was the same for me when I was off work. I hated it. In the end my union rep told my manager to request that no one mention anything work related to me as all it was doing was making me more anxious. Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs:

02-10-13, 20:15
Thanks ladies. It's so frustrating isn't it. I wish some people would just keep a lid on it or keep it to themselves! I work in the recruitment field and it's so bit**y eg someone becomes ill, you are gossiped about, and people complain how much it's inconvenienced them and their workload. I have one colleague who has had loads of time off and I've supported him and took on his workload, you just suck it up you know! It seems even if you have cancer the main thing they are concerned about is that you get better and get back ASAP! Honestly I sometimes feel what is the world coming to. It is so dog eat dog. Everyone on this forum seems to be so like minded, kind, caring and considerate- why can't employers be this way?! Maybe life would be a bit better and perhaps people would feel better?!

Sorry secondary rant is now over! :mad::yahoo:

02-10-13, 20:31
Daisy, all employers (the majority) seem to think about is having you back at work. All the time I was ill after my accident I didn't even get a get well card from management but I did get reminded of the impact my being off was having on others! So pleased I decided not to go back!

02-10-13, 23:02
Don't get me started on get well cards! In a lot of companies I worked in before it's been a basic courteously for someone suffering that we would club together and send something (this was prior to the recession I might add!) but as you say most companies now are concentrating on your return as opposed to helping your recovery or supporting. I like you am thinking I may not be able to return to this environment as I would rather do something which is more fulfilling and calm.

03-10-13, 19:27
Loads of huggles being sent to you Daisy :hugs: :bighug1: :hugs: :bighug1: :hugs: :bighug1: :hugs: :bighug1: :hugs:

03-10-13, 19:39
I think this happens in a lot of work places. I was off work for a week and a half because of depression and heightened anxiety and I was gossip of the work place 'What's wrong with her?' 'Why is she off for so long?' it didn't please my husband much either, who works in my company. When I got back everyone just wanted to know what was wrong, to save on a lengthy conversation on the truth I said I had the flu. They didn't need to know. They didn't want to know out of sympathy, just so they had the gossip.

I had a colleague like yours too. He meant well, as far as I was aware, but would tell me what so-and-so said about me or thought about me. In hindsight it didn't matter but I hated hearing about it. I told him to stop telling me. I suggest telling your colleague to do the same.

08-10-13, 00:13
Thanks Auntie Moosie! :)

Rennie can so relate to everything you have said there. I have had a word with said colleague and he told me that he felt guilty for upsetting me at a difficult time. I'm glad we had the chat and everything is back to normal where work is concerned (I'm none the wiser and keeping away!). I've not been worrying about work so much since as I'm trying to concentrate on my health now.


08-10-13, 22:35
Hey daisy, stuff your gossiping colleagues. They ain't worth wasting your energy over. Instead you keep it for yourself & getting well in the long run....

08-10-13, 23:01
Thanks Tessar :hugs: