View Full Version : Is this time to focus on anxiety

02-10-13, 20:35
Hi All,

Well I had a GPs appointment today. I am so lucky I have a great GP she is so compassionate and patient.

Anyway my appointment was to get the results of a blood test that she ordered just to get a 'baseline' position. Basically it was all fine. Liver function was at the upper end, but she said that it would need to be three times that to cause concern.

I do feel relieved, but my whole body hurts and feels clumsy. I am trying to put this down to mental and physical exhaustion and am going to try and relax, I am also going to start exercising again and doing stuff :)

Am I right in assuming that whilst a blood test isn't good at diagnosing things in isolation but it would show abnormalities if there was anything significant going on? This is the basis on which I am working.

Fingers crossed, I am now going to focus on my mental health rather than physical symptoms.

02-10-13, 21:07
Well if you will I will mate!

As far as I understand, blood tests can't diagnose anything but most serious conditions would have some form of marker somewhere, whether it's raised white blood cells, lowered/higher platelets, oxygen levels etc etc

I know how you feel though - I'm scared that I'm putting my lung cancer "symptoms" down to anxiety. But we have to remember that if the doctors aren't worried, we shouldn't be. They know what they are looking for.

One day at a time, eh? x

02-10-13, 21:13
Deal Kate! Let's beat this ****!

If you need any support let me know. I am exceptionally determined not to waste any more time.

02-10-13, 21:33
Same to you. We both seem to know we are a bit nuts which is a good place to start!

We need to be kind to ourselves and beat this. If I remember your story right, it sounds like we both lost somebody kind of young. Maybe we need to turn that experience in to an appreciation and love of life rather than fear.

Easier said than done I know.

02-10-13, 21:55
Absolutely......I merge nuts with other stuff. Well remembered. I didn't lose someone young, but my father had renal cancer when I was about 8 and was told he had six weeks to live. 39 years on it turns out they were wrong.

However as I hit the age he got it, my anxiety kicked in. Feel free to PM me, I would be well up for sharing the ups and downs of getting better with someone.

Take care,
