View Full Version : Severe itching in my ear during the night.

02-10-13, 20:35
I am awoken regularly by a severe itching in my left ear at night.

I usually itch it without knowing I'm doing it during my sleep and end up with specs of blood on my fingernail.

Last night it was moist inside my ear, like there was fluid coming out of it. I'm worried there's something going on :(

02-10-13, 21:01
Ah well v recently I have been to docs about this.

You v likely have an ear infection but don't worry it's not going to harm you but you may well need ear drops or if its like mine was then oral antibiotics.

Please try not to itch your ear or poke it as will only make it worse and try to keep them dry as the bacteria love the wet.

Hope it gets better soon.

03-10-13, 19:37
My Daughter had this a while ago, she went to the doctors and he said it was an infection in her outer ear, the ear canal. It soon cleared up with some antibiotics :)