View Full Version : Do you ever get "time off" from health anxiety?

28-10-06, 12:05
Hello everybody,

I was wondering if I was the only person on this forum, who never has time off from health anxiety?
For me, it appears to be symptom after symptom (mind thinking every symptom is fatal), with no breaks in between and this is approx my 5th year with anxiety.

My wife told me last night that I seem to move from one symptom to another and to snap out of it, but like the
Claire Weeks books state, "we can not help it and we would love to snap out of it if we could".

Does anybody else feel the same?


28-10-06, 12:45
Hi Red, I feel exactly the same. Never get a minute from this health anxiety and it drives me insane! I have kind of resolved to the fact that I will probably be this way forever, it has been a very long 7 years or so with me now and I can't see a way out. Sorry to sound so depressing but its the way this illness make you feel sometimes. Take care and know that you are certainly not alone in this one!


28-10-06, 13:33
hi red

i do have long spells when im ok, ok meaning not totally obsessing and pacing the floor, i havent been 100% since jun 03. but i totally understand what u mean about symptom after symptom, at th mo im worrying about my stomach, but last nigt i had a head ache so that was my worry, its chops and changes so quickly

leanne xx

i just wanna feel normal

28-10-06, 15:36
since suffering from health anxiety (only have since jan) i haven't had any respite. i have suffered with loads of different illnesses.
i'm forever having my partner reassure me i'm ok. i must say he has been a rock and is soooo patient.

all i want is to go through days without panicking about something being wrong with me...

all the best
penny x

28-10-06, 19:11
when i had health anxiety i never had a break it was one thing after another for over 10 years
then i actually got a debillitating illness and havent had health anxiety since


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