View Full Version : Freaking out, can you feel lumpy things in your lower abdomen!!

03-10-13, 01:15
I know this is another possibly stupid question ... I am a very thin person and recently I lay down and as rubbing my tummy and then started prodding and I freaked out to feel a lump thing above my pubic bone to the middle right. Is this my ovary? I'm not sure how to describe it, a knot? A lump? Sometimes I have to dig around to find it how do I know if it's my intestines? Sometimes it seems to go across to my hipbone and up a little but mostly I feel it sort of pelvic area middle right. I'm freaking out that I have a tumour or some sort in my ovaries or something.

I know you can sometimes feel your left colon if it is filled with a bowel movement but what about on the right? I can't really feel my left colon at all after a movement but I can totally feel that lumpy thing on the right. It kinda moves around (I think) so now I'm completely freaking out and can't stop pushing on my stomach. I have been having gastritis symptoms indigestion, burping for over a month now but doctors say it's not gynaecological related but I've read that ovarian cancer can present with these symptoms.

Anyone? Can I simply be feeling my organs? If so why is the right more pronounced than the left help!!

03-10-13, 07:23
I am no expert in anatomy and physiology but I would imagine that the answer is yes, it can just be your organs, or muscle. If you have been prodding about then there is also a possibility I suppose that you have irritated something.

As for the symmetry thing, well as we don't have two of everything, your body is unlikely to be symmetrical on both sides.

That said, if you are concerned I would pay a quick visit to your GP as no one on here can diagnose you.

Just one final thought, I went to the GP today for the results of my blood test and to talk about how to cope with HA. She was excellent and said that what we are looking for is bodily changes, now I suppose by definition that if it is something sinister then it will continue to change. I am certainly trying to trust my body more than I did before.

03-10-13, 07:37

This is soft tissue - my question would be - how would you not feel lumps and bumps?

03-10-13, 07:47
Thanks for the responses guys. It is a bit reassuring to know that people feel bumps as well?

Well with my HA, I googled the anatomy and I guess I couldn't see anything in that region except perhaps the ovaries ... and I'm obsessing over ovarian cancer at the moment because I have gastro issues as well - burping indigestion bloating for over a month which are symptoms of ovarian cancer. GP thinks it's gastritis and I'm on nexium with not much improvement and it's been a little more than a month (guess it doesn't help I've been so stressed the whole month). Hence imagine when I found the knot / lump in my lower abdomen I think that something is growing in there in my ovaries causing my gastro symptoms and then I go in a sick cycle. AHHhhhh!

I have been crying everyday with health anxiety and sometimes feel like it's so difficult to even get up to go to work. I wake up with pounding in my chest - I had to take a small dose of benzo today to slightly function.

03-10-13, 08:41
Guess what else everything else you say is a symptom of?

Anxiety :)

03-10-13, 12:51
I know it is anxiety that's why I am on this forum in the first place! I was hoping some others have felt similar and I can find some reassurance or support

03-10-13, 13:07
Yes me and I freaked out too the first time I noticed. I have a few lumpy bits

03-10-13, 13:15
I do this sometimes laid there proving at the same place your on about and I suffer with constipation and that's usually what am poking (gross) :(

03-10-13, 13:21
I suffer with constipation and that's usually what am poking (gross) :(

So basically you're saying you're full of sh&^? ;) I've been told that and I don't suffer from anxiety! ~lol~

03-10-13, 13:38
I know it is anxiety that's why I am on this forum in the first place! I was hoping some others have felt similar and I can find some reassurance or support

Sorry i didnt intend to be flippant. I was just suggesting that if we look hard enough (which I do) we find all sorts of imperfections, lumps, bumps, pokey outie bits, soft bits, hard bits, somewhere in between bits. The difference is that most, unanxious people don't look, and in likelihood were anything seriously wrong it would be obvious.

At least that is the basis i need to live under otherwise i would go bonkers!

04-10-13, 05:15
Honeypie - do you mean the left of the right side ... mine is the right side. Usually with constipation I think you feel your s**t on the left side? Oh man I don't know anymore.

cpe1978 I understand what you are you saying ... I think I need a holiday from my crazy brain.

04-10-13, 12:20
Our bodies are made up of squishy and not so squishy things. When you go to a doctor and get an exam, they push and prod to feel these things. It makes absolute, total sense that when you push and prod, you feel the same things. It's totally normal.

Milk of Magnesia usually takes care of the lower abdomen lumpy bumpies for me ;)

Good Luck!

17-11-13, 21:55
Mines always center and mainly left