View Full Version : Stomach/& or chest vibrations?

03-10-13, 02:16
Does anyone get stomach or chest vibrations? OMG I didn't know even after all these years, that there were so many symptoms of anxiety! I've been suffering for 38+ years and new symptoms come along every week it seems! Unless of course it is something else.

I'm so damn miserable with all this :wacko::lac::weep:


05-10-13, 23:44
No one?!:blush::blush:

06-10-13, 14:13
I saw the title of your thread and thought, ah, I might find out more about a similar symptom I've had recently...could you describe it, please.


06-10-13, 14:49
Don't worry, it's nothing other than anxiety. I get vibration-like sensations inside when my anxiety has been a little high for a prolonged time. Don't fret over it, you're fine :)

08-10-13, 18:36
I sometimes get this too! I always thought it was an odd symptom of indigestion or of something in my stomach/guts rumbling. But sometimes I get a vibration in my chest too. Other times I feel like I'm shivering but sort of only on the inside? It's really hard to describe lol. But according to my doctor it's not anything to worry about at all. :)

08-10-13, 20:58
Yes I have them especially when waking up. Freaks me completly even tho I know it's anxiety xx

14-10-13, 22:20
Weirdly enough I had this too and it turned out later to be caused by an overproduction of acid. A simple Anti acid solved the problem for me. But I do get anxiety tremors elsewhere in my body as well (legs and eye mainly)

14-10-13, 23:19
Yes betty boop i have this too. X