View Full Version : Hello from Maine!

03-10-13, 04:12
My name is Lish. I am F, 34, live in the Northeastern U.S.
I just spent forever writing a post, and lost it due to the page expiring, so I will try to remember and condense what I previously wrote. I had my first panic attack at age 22. I had always been a nervous, existentially disturbed person, but seemed to be able to set aside my moods and live my life with the average hope and promise that young people have. At age 22 I was eating in a restaurant. All of the sudden my salad looked funny. Everything looked funny. I excused myself and bolted to the restroom. "What is wrong with me???" I thought, "I'm going to die."
I have never been the same since.
Over 12 years of therapy, meds, meditation, acupuncture, doctors appointments, tests, vitamins and supplements, self-help books. I've had bad years and better years. My main anxieties revolve around my fear of death and my health, heart palpitations being my number one trigger/symptom.
I wish everyone the gentlest journey possible towards anxiety relief.

03-10-13, 13:37
Hi LishMay,

Welcome to the group. I can relate to your issues, as can I am sure many other members here. I have also struggled with anxiety/panic attacks and also health related worries too for the past 9 years.

Thank you for your kind words and wishes and I hope you too also find a respite and resolution to your anxiety. NMP is a really good group for a bit of support and help from others who can empathise!

Best wishes, Debs.x:hugs: