View Full Version : Lymph nodes D - day!

mark bucks
03-10-13, 06:36
As a follow up to my last post regarding my swollen Lymph nodes in my armpits and groin along with all of the other symptoms that may or may not be related.

I am finally going to see the doctor, i have an appointment on Tuesday morning. The tipping point was a night of shooting pains in my right eye which scared the life out of me! I suffer from migraines and i have been told that this is a type of migraine that can be brought on by stress.

Anyway i am very nervous about the doctors appointment but the way i see it is if something is wrong and i ignore it then the worst could happen, or, i can face it get help and be there for my kids. I owe it to my family to fight whatever this may be.

If it is nothing physical then i will seek help for my mental health. I will keep you all posted.

Thanks to everyone who wrote to me with words of support. It is a huge relief to know that i am not alone with these fears.

03-10-13, 07:00
Hi Mark,

I know it can be really stressful when you're actually sat in front of the GP but you've got no reason to be embarrassed. There's something really important in what you've written - you recognise that you're a worrier and that you may need help for anxiety. Often, people don't see this for a long time so you've actually made quite an important step already.

If you get reassurance, don't be frightened to discuss how you feel with the doctor. I really know how difficult that can be but remember that it's not a weakness to feel anxious. In your career, anxiety has probably served you very well but it becomes a problem when your mind creates anxiety out of context which is probably what's happening to you.

If it would help, try writing down what you want to say before you go in to the surgery. If you then feel you're not saying what you wanted to or if you start to falter a little, you can read out what you've written which can be easier than trying to find the words to express yourself under pressure.

Good luck and let us know how you get on


03-10-13, 08:52
As a follow up to my last post regarding my swollen Lymph nodes in my armpits and groin along with all of the other symptoms that may or may not be related.

I am finally going to see the doctor, i have an appointment on Tuesday morning. The tipping point was a night of shooting pains in my right eye which scared the life out of me! I suffer from migraines and i have been told that this is a type of migraine that can be brought on by stress.

Anyway i am very nervous about the doctors appointment but the way i see it is if something is wrong and i ignore it then the worst could happen, or, i can face it get help and be there for my kids. I owe it to my family to fight whatever this may be.

If it is nothing physical then i will seek help for my mental health. I will keep you all posted.

Thanks to everyone who wrote to me with words of support. It is a huge relief to know that i am not alone with these fears.

My strongest advice to you is explain your symptoms - NOT your anxiety. Do not mention anxiety.

03-10-13, 19:02
My strongest advice to you is explain your symptoms - NOT your anxiety. Do not mention anxiety.

I have to disagree. I would start by explaining your physical symptoms and make sure the doctor understands your concern but it's really important that he/she knows you are anxious. Believe me, the longer you leave anxiety untreated, the harder it is to treat. Tackling the cause of anxiety at an early stage means your ways of thinking are less engrained and therapy is more likely to be successful.

Never be afraid to open up to your GP. Obviously, some are better than others at treating anxiety but bottling things up has never helped anyone, in my opinion.

Good luck


03-10-13, 19:08
I agree with Pipkin, I would start with the physical symptoms but then explain how anxious you are about them. I have found that if you have a understanding GP they will then do their best to reassure you, there is no shame in letting your GP know you are anxious, they can then help you to tackle it. Take Care.

09-10-13, 21:03
How did it go Mark?