View Full Version : What helps panic

03-10-13, 06:52
What helps get you out of panic, things you have tried that
stop the panic in its tracks

03-10-13, 09:04
A real reason to panic WILL stop a panic attack dead in it's tracks. There's a lot of literature on that. Unfortunately we can't conjure up a real panic situation!

For a more sensible answer, not much to be honest. The trick is to get it early rather than when you are in the full state of panic.

Things that help me when I'm in the full state of panic are distraction and just lying down on my bed. I have some great audio to listen to during a panic attack that calmly talks logic and reason to me.

03-10-13, 15:28
There are some breathing exercises that help, or something as simple as running your wrists under cold water. The thing to remember is that it can't hurt you, you are not in physical danger.

03-10-13, 15:46
A panic attack is not an attack, nor do we ever have to fear one if we know:
Q.1) why one is happening
Q.2) What to do when we experience one
A.1) We have built up stress, the fight-flight response sees us not reacting, the body then initiates an adrenaline purge to effctively burn off all the no longer needed adrenaline.
It feels intense, but it's completely safe, and it is completely possible to experience this event with no fear whatsoever.
A.2) There are many techniques people apply when experiencing panic, deep-breathing, distraction, diversion, invitation, supression, positive visualisation etc etc etc ... the list goes on. None of these are harmful in any way.
In my experience floating is the best.
Floating takes some practice, but not as much as you may think.
First practice floating on your terms in your environment.
Lie in bed, lie on the sofa ... somewhere traditionally comfortable with minimal distraction.
Look at the clock, remember the time, give yourself at least 4 hours.
Close your eyes
Keep your muscles relaxed as you can manage.
Wait for your heart to start pumping like a powerful locomotive, your head my throb as well, you may get negative thoughts pop up. It's all ok.
Try not to stop it (it's ok if you do, it's all practice).
Try not to run (it's ok if you do, it's all practice).
Enjoy the buzz of energy.
Ride the waves of energy.
Wait for your adrenaline to burn off.
When it has, wait another five minutes to see if it has any more to burn up, if you have another 'panic attack' at this point then it's ok.
Wait for this to burn off. Enjoy the feeling of the postive hormones flowing through your system. Repeat if necessary.
Enjoy the feeling of relaxation after the panic. Enjoy the clear mind, free of fear..
Look at the clock, you gave yourself 4 hours, but it's probably only been 20 minutes.
Know you can do this every time. With a small ammount of pracice you can do this, on a plane, in a car, in work, in the cinema. Not that you will need to because you will no longer be as scared anymore.
Every time you do it it gets easier and easier very fast.
You will actually look forward to the next one.
With this mindset. You wont build up stress in fear of having another one. You probably wont get one.
In times of future external stress you may build up stress within yourself, your body may initiate another adrenaline purge.
That's ok. You will have one, enjoy it, and feel lovely afterwards.

03-10-13, 15:58
Thanks so much for your replys,
Chris your insight and advice is so good, the way you explain the panic etc
I will definitely be trying the floating, really enjoyed reading all about it

03-10-13, 18:07
This is what I'm currently trying:

When the symptoms arrise (hyperventilation more often than not) I think to myself 'OK, you're here, that's great, carry on as you were'. All I do is accept it's there, let it do it's thing, it's worst if it has to, and then it goes. My CBT therapist taught me this for my hyperventilation but it works for any other symptom.

Once I've acknowledge the symptoms I keep myself busy, I play games, watch TV, write my novel or knit.

03-10-13, 18:23
Frankly, I have never got the whole 'floating' thing.

If you are like me, and experience panic in the middle of a queue of people in Marks and Spencer's, with a basket full of shopping and sweat running down your back and adrenaline surging through your body, 'riding the waves of energy' is simply not an option.

Sorry, that's my opinion.

The ONLY thing that works for me is breathing, clenching and unclenching my fists, and a ton of mental distraction - something as simple as singing a song in my head, counting the number of certain items/colours, etc. around me, basically anything that removes my mind from panic.

I also agree with Rennie1989. I say to myself 'Ok...so this is anxiety again. i know what this is, I've been here before and it'll pass in a minute,' because when all of the negatives spring to mind - 'Oh God, I feel awful', 'I'm panicking', 'I'm gonna faint', etc. it just fuels the anxiety even more, and that is a recipe for disaster.

If I am feeling the anxiety and panic rising at home, again I use distraction - tv, music, playing games, etc, etc.

03-10-13, 20:49
Don't fight it- just invite it to happen and do its worst.For me this seems to
diffuse it
Bestof luck

06-10-13, 23:30
Hi. I totally agree with debs71.

Distraction of the mind helps a great deal.

The times I've thought this whilst having a PA...

My heart's racing, i can feel every pulse it seems, im breathing but it's like i'm not getting any air, what's wrong with me? Omg I'm light headed i can feel pressure in my face and I'm sweating. I can feel tingling in my left/right side. What is happening? Will i make it this time? People are looking at me, some are asking if I'm ok, I feel smothered i want to get away from here.

Sometimes it in a situation where i am in a waiting room or in a shop. I start to think 'if i pass out i am gonna land across this table or fall onto this person'

BUT I've educated myself on these panic attacks now. I often have them but i get my phone out and tinker or look through a catalogue. Keeping in mind i must try to breathe normal. Sometimes i pace up and down (if im alone)..
I think that its the fear will feed it. Distract yourself it works.

I take a bottle of water with me everywhere. It's become like a comfort thing. Since my panic attacks have become more frequent i have consumed a lot of water. I seemed to have latched onto it as a prop.

07-10-13, 01:38
Thanks to everyone for all you advice and info,it's very much appreciated:)

10-10-13, 23:12
Tell it (the anxiety / panic attack) to bring it on as bad and hard as it can now or else "**** off and let me be".