View Full Version : Strange vibration sensation in top of my right leg

03-10-13, 15:21
Hi all, new to the forum today but I've suffered quite badly with Health and general Anxiety for about a decade. Anyway, I'm curious as to whether what I'm experiencing at the moment can be put down to anxiety or whether its possibly something real (in the sense of just not another side effect of my anxiety).

Over the past year, maybe two I ocassionaly get a weird sensation that I can only compare to the feeling you get when a mobile/cell phone vibrates in your pocket. The sensation is in the same area (perhaps just a few inches below where I do keep my phone, which is in the front pocket of of my trousers, right hand side. When it first started happening I thought it was the phone vibrating from getting a text message or some other alert, but realised that wasn't the case as sometimes I didn't even have the phone :D. If I'm recalling correctly, I get it for a day or so and then it seems to disappear and don't get it again for a good few months. When it occurs, it happens for maybe 30 secs or so and then not again perhaps for 10 mins, so its not constant, but randomly throughout the day.

Anyway, its flared up again yesterday and its still doing it today so I Googled (not always the best idea I know) and it brought up someone discussing the same issue in a MS forum .. so I of course check out symptons of MS and now I'm half thinking I may have MS as I have had some of the other symptons including bladders issues (freq urinating, not emptying bladder properly) coordination (feel I'm clumsy at times), muscle twitches and possibly leg weakness (although guess it depends on what they class as weakness), etc.

Has anyone else experienced this sort of sensation? Could it just be another pesky side effect of my anxiety?

Meant to add that I'm male and 45.

04-10-13, 11:54
Hey dude

Yes it's very common, and you'll probably find it goes in a few days or so. If it's longer, it doesn't mean a thing!

Either that, or you have the rare Elvis gene :D


04-10-13, 18:16
Okay thanks, sensation has disappeared today but definitely reassuring to hear its a fairly common sensation amongst people with anxiety.

04-10-13, 19:30
i get this but i don't just get it in 1 place i get it all over my body sometimes its horrible isn't it hope you are ok x

05-10-13, 08:49
Hi Natalie. Can't believe you get this all over. To be honest as it's just the upper part of the right leg it's not too bad but I could imagine how stressful and unpleasant it would be if it was all over. Do you do anything to minimise it? Mine seems to have disappeared again for now but it'll no doubt be back. Annoying how anxiety can have such a damn negative effect on our bodies. :weep:

05-10-13, 09:53
i get it sometimes in my chest, my stomach legs, arms etc no i just try to ignore it. Its hard sometimes though but it goes away eventually

22-10-13, 16:23
Hi m new to this site BT when ever I got tense I became lil relax on coming here. I have weird feeling in my legs I can't explain it. Suddenly my focus goes on my bp. I was not so anxious bt when I went to chemist I got more anxious my heart starts pounding n my pulse got fast. When he took my bp it was 160 then after just half min it shows 200 then immediately he check with my right arm it was showing 140-145. M totally confused. I hv had 3 check ups with cardiologist and they took ECG and echo BT it came back normal.they say everything is normal. And I never take any medicine of bp or anxiety. And my weeks passed wonderful bt I don't know how I get these feelings sometime. Its about third or fourth time in 6 or 7 months. Pls help.... Sorry for bad English....