View Full Version : Strange Leg Lump...Lower leg

03-10-13, 15:53
Back in mid-June I noticed a lump on my lower leg below my calf, but above my achilles. It looked like a bug bite, but it didn't itch or cause any pain. I started to freak out about the possibility of a sarcoma and looked up everything online that I could. I tried to think about what could have caused it and just a few days prior to noticing the lump I dropped a 50 lb bag of luggage on the back of my leg probably around that area, but without there being a bruise or really any type of pain I am not 100% sure that the luggage bag was the cause. It doesn't hurt at all, I do feel some type of tingling in the area from time to time, but its not bad. If i'm being honest, I touch and poke and prod the lump all day long. It feels softer on the outside and then there is a harder very small bump that feels like bone or cartilage on the inside of the soft lump. I can move it around easily. Compared to my other leg I feel like there is a slight indentation where the lump is, I can push the lump in pretty far whereas on my other leg I cannot push in very far at all before hitting bone or muscle.

Last week I went to a doctor who thought the lump was just the result of a muscle tear. At any rate, he seemed confident in his assessment but said he would send me to an orthopedic if I wanted....so, he sent me to an Orthopedic specialist in the area and they performed an ultrasound to see what was going on. The specialist said that he is fairly certain the lump is a build up of scar tissue from either a muscle tear or some other type of injury. He wants to wait and see if the lump grows or not...So in three months I am heading back to check on the size of the lump. It really doesn't hurt, feels tight sometimes, I can feel a hard knot that moves pretty easily (which im assuming is the scar tissue he believes is there). He said he could order an MRI but that he wouldn't want that done to his own leg if he had the choice in the matter...So, I'm assuming that he's pretty sure its nothing sinister...at least that's my hope. Here's to keeping my health anxiety in check for the three months!!!!!!

Interested in hearing if anyone else has had something similar...the lump has been there for three months now...Also, if it's scar tissue I just don't remember there being an injury sustained to that area that would cause something as drastic as a scar tissue lump....which is driving me mad!

On a side note, about the time that I noticed the lump I had severely sprained my other foot and did a great deal of just using my right leg, overcompensating and overusing my right leg for probably 4-5 weeks. I don't know if that has anything to do with this or not....It's hard to explain what the lump even looks like...It pokes out when I flex or straighten my leg and then appears to roll back into my leg when I lift my leg or bend my knee towards the ground.

I'm at a loss...

03-10-13, 16:42
I hope you get an answer soon. I've had MRI's in the past (not for a similar issue to yours) but they are pain free so nothing to worry about.

As for lumps.. I had one in my neck ten years ago and doc said just a cyst type thing and ten years on its still there, exactly same size but hey I'm still here too :)

My other half gets lumps in his legs too, but they are not anything dangerous, the only issue is putting up with them being there.

03-10-13, 17:22
I have a lump just above my ankle. It sticks out when I put pressure (ie: stand or push on area). I have had it for 3 yrs. it seemed to come up after I banged that ankle on a desk.
I did see a Dr 3 yrs aho. The dr said it was a lipoma (fatty cyst). It is harmless, and may get bigger. It didn't get bigger, and I didn't pursue it.

07-10-13, 16:29
Thank you for your responses...I'm slowly but surely getting better at not touching the lump all day...It's definitely there, but I have tried to go about my business and continue jogging, walking the dog, playing with the kids, etc...It's just so strange that it really hasn't gone anywhere...I don't think it has grown any or shrunk since i noticed it.