View Full Version : Strange, sudden bowel problems

03-10-13, 20:35
Hi everyone!

I haven't been around in awhile--I've been trying to deal with my actual diagnosed health problems (still working up the courage for gallbladder surgery) and some family issues. I was overcoming a lot of my general health anxiety until a new thing popped up. I normally wouldn't think much of it but I've never had it before. Apologies in advance for the length and any TMI details.

Last night, I felt really gassy but it was strange, almost like there was a pressure in my rectum. (Like you get when you have diarrhea, I guess is the best way to describe it.) I went to the bathroom and I kept passing this weird, "spluttery" sounding gas and a tiny bit of diarrhea-ish stool. It was mainly liquid when I wiped though there was some stool in the bowl that kind of looked like silt, or what I get after I've had a big bout of diarrhea and there's only a little bit left, if that makes sense. When I wiped the first time, there were like 2 drops of blood on the toilet paper which was weird for me because I didn't really feel any urgency, there really wasn't much of it at all, and my tush didn't feel irritated at all. I wasn't having cramps or anything, just the weird gas and liquid. I went to bed and hoped it would be gone.

Overnight I was fine, I didn't have any accidents in bed nor did I feel the desire to get up in the night and I slept fine. However, when I woke up, the gas was back and now there was some slight cramping, but the kind of cramping that one feels when they are gassy. It wasn't and isn't the urgency of a bowel movement. This all continued in the morning and I've gone probably 10 to 12 times but with very little actually coming out. One time I did get out some solid stuff but not very much and it was still pretty soft. Mainly I'm just running to the bathroom anytime I feel gassy, which is good because it's never been a false alarm.

Now, it's in the afternoon and I don't feel as gassy, but when I go to urinate, I still have the gas and the tiny amount of liquid/diarrhea. This last time when I wiped, there was some light pink mixed in with the yellow/brown on the paper. I really feel no irritation and I haven't been straining or anything so I'm not sure what that's from.

Does anybody have any advice or has anybody ever had this before? I'm kind of perturbed by it. The doctors are closed and I don't feel it to be an emergency. I ate some toast, yogurt, and applesauce today, and I'm staying hydrated with enough water. I haven't been eating anything fatty, spicy or greasy. No vomiting or anything, and my boyfriend doesn't have any symptoms.

Any help? Thanks for reading :hugs:

03-10-13, 20:58
When I had a similar thing a year or two ago, it went on for at least a month (the bowel / stomach symptoms), the gas got ridiculous levels (normally not at all gassy) and I only fixed it with going back to v plain chicken and rice diet with loads of probiotics and gradually putting 'normal' food back in.

In case your wondering mine also included some blood post diarrhea (only takes a tiny/invis cut/sore bit).

Your doing the right thing looking after yourself and staying hydrated. Hope you feel better soon! :)

03-10-13, 21:37
Thanks for your response! I hope that mine doesn't last that long..any idea what caused yours to begin with?


03-10-13, 22:56
I had a normal virus prior to it (throat and ear problems), so I maybe it spread to cause the stomach issues but only a guess!

04-10-13, 16:39
Thanks Tiff!

I thought I was healing last night--was able to pass gas without mucus coming out. Then this morning I woke up and went to the bathroom, same old thing but with more blood on the toilet paper. I'm fed up with it and I'm going to book an appointment with a specialist now in case it doesn't go away, since it takes like 2 weeks to get in with anyone. But now my mind is going to dark places..what if it's an anal prolapse or something? I am not afraid of cancer and I just had bloodwork done a few weeks ago that seemed okay. But I'm afraid of other things like the prolapse or prolapsed hemorrhoids or anything else. Also I'm afraid of colonoscopies which I'm guessing I'll need if this doesn't go away. Eep.

04-10-13, 20:59
I hope it gets better soon. I don't really know anything about the prolapse stuff, but that doesn't sound like stuff that would endanger you in the long run? More just unpleasant until fixed?

As for the medical tests.. I've not had that done, I'm guessing again its unpleasant while being done but wont actually harm you so hopefully that should help with any anxiety.