View Full Version : Swollen lymph node & feeling i'm done for

03-10-13, 20:51
Hi all. I noticed a few weeks ago i had a swelling in the left side of my neck just under my jaw. After doing some research and going to doctor i have been so worried about it. The past week i have had about 4 panic attacks and the whole day Sunday with painful ribcage. I say 4 but it feels like its rolled into one going over the past week and I feel exhausted.

The thing that has me worried about my Lymph nodes is that i have not had a cold or an infection i am aware of but the Node keeps swelling.
I want to get to the bottom of this but i'm afraid if the result is bad i would just pass out in sheer terror.

I just have this feeling that my number is up. All i want to do is just lay down.
Those closest to me and they all say 'you'll be fine' 'Don't worry'
I wish i had that attitude. I remember once i did. Where did it go?
Others just don't understand that when i worry it brings on a PA but i don't know what's happening and i'm scared.

This is not helping my overall depression. My depression came about from having a coping disorder a few years back, It developed from a bad patch in my life.
I am just tired of all this. Sometimes i look back to when i was well & happy but that memory is becoming a blur.

I am trying to relax, get my energy back and eat better but i have this nagging feeling that'l be all for nothing.

06-10-13, 02:44
Ok I was exactly like you, visited the Gp and my nodes are perfectly normal. Get checked out and stop googling. If we all did, everyone would be off sick and in cancer treatment wards for stumping their toes. If in doubt, get it checked out :) The internet can't diagnose you

07-10-13, 22:27
Hi Jon
I also was worried about a swollen lymph node. I found a lump on my neck and doctors insisted it was a cyst and from then on I constantly checked my neck and found a swollen lymph node so back to the docs again and got bloods taken for signs of inflammation and checking my blood cells etc and blood came back normal. I've had these done twice cos I wasn't convinced first time lol! Anyway, I think most sufferers get swollen glands etc as my doctor says worry, stress and tiredness makes our bodies work harder and that's exactly what our bodies are doing, thus our body is in overdrive. It's never really properly resting is it? I can't remember when my glands were actually down, it's been months, if not years without noticing because I've probably been focusing on another ailment :winks:if you're really worried then please see a doctor and just tell them. I'm passed being embarrassed, in my view its their job and they really should be looking into ways of helping people with anxiety cope better...