View Full Version : Weird symptoms start MS fear again!

04-10-13, 03:14
My anxiety is really high this past week! I thought I was calming down until tonight! Out of nowhere I felt a tightening in my left arm and small patches of goosebumps came up! Only on my left arm and only in these small patches!! Of course I stupidly googled this and epilepsy and MS came up!! I have no past history of epilepsy. I am now a wreck! This goosebumps thing happened on and off, for seconds at a time, for over an hour. My MS fears are now back a hundred fold! A year ago I had a MRI and my neurologist, who I see for optical migraines, reviewed it and he said he found no MS or evidence of MS. But that was a year ago! The MS forums were talking about their patchy goosebumps and how MS is always mistook for anxiety at first!! I'm so scared and exhausted by this! I feel like just as I get a handle on my anxiety a new scary symptom pops up and off I go!

Does anyone else experience patchy, localized goosebumps??

04-10-13, 03:38
Hi, if you had a good MRI, then you are safe to say you are good! I know what you are going through I'm in the same boat as you. I fear MS to. I wanted to ask you did you het an MRI with the dye?

04-10-13, 03:58
Hi Tinker28! Thanks for the reply! I did have the MRI with the dye. These fears are the worst and the yo yo anxiety is exhausting!

04-10-13, 10:03
I have a few ms symptoms ATM - buzzy foot now and again twitchy eye and floaters - my doc and optician say floaters aren't connected to ms - google doesn't agree but who knows.

I've had a clear MRI this year but I'm still doubtful and everyday scared. :(

04-10-13, 22:48
It never seems to matter how many times I know that they have given me a clear test, clear EKG, clear MRI, etc., I always think that they missed something. Or it was clear then but now it has developed. Right now I flip between heart fears and MS fears. As I write this my arm that had weird patches of goosebumps now hurts in the bicep area and my hand feels a little tingly. I have also had those flutter feelings in my throat and chest. Its never ending. Is it my heart, a stroke, a debilitating disease? UGH!