View Full Version : Bored

04-10-13, 11:21
Hi I was wondering if anyone feels there anxiety gets worse when they are bored or lonely?
I work full time in a psychiatric hospital and that's pretty much all I do apart from the usual things round the home. I live alone and do have friends but due to us all working don't seem to get much time off together. I feel constantly bored with my life which then leads me to sit worrying about work and the what ifs in life which then leaves me drained and feeling helpless. I have gone to the gym in the past and tried other hobbies but again soon get fed up with them. I do go to the spiritulist church and a slimming group but it dosnt seem to be enough and I feel I am in a vicious circle of anxiety. I have just started a new job too which I'm sure isn't helping matters.
Is anyone else in the same situation? I feel like my confidence is starting to be effected too.

04-10-13, 13:59
I know what you mean - I don't get to see my friends as often as I would like due to us all working. Are there any social groups in your area you could join? Meetup.com is a good place to search for groups in your area.

04-10-13, 14:23
When I'm bored and alone I think too much, which perks up the anxiety and, sometimes, the low moods. I have to keep my mind busy, as a result

04-10-13, 16:43
Im not working and have no friends living with my sister uptill today getting booted out..i feel my anxiety is worse as im bored and lonely

04-10-13, 16:59

So where will you go?

04-10-13, 20:00
yes definatly!! when im on my days off and alone my anxiety creeps in!

04-10-13, 20:30
yes I am worse when I don't have work to occupy me.
I have recently started exercise classes and a relaxation class and go to a group for people with depression. I am finding that I am beginning to see that there is more to life than work and I am starting to get better.
Hope you find something that interests you soon

05-10-13, 14:03
When I am off work I am a nightmare to be around, too much thinking time, does not take long for the negative thoughts to start to creep in . I find it hard to distract myself sometimes.