View Full Version : sister has kicked me out

04-10-13, 11:46
My life was bad enough living with my sister and her strict routens.she has been getting very frustrated with me living there over the last couple of months..she hates me sitting in my room through the day telling me she wants her house back.she hated the fact i sleep in till 10 am and says im holding her up from cleening the sink and toilet.i told her my high medication dose makes it hard for me to get up early and that when i do get up i have no where to go in my day so i dont rush to get up..i keep myself to myself im clean and allways wash up my things after eating..my sister is and has allways been misserable amd agresive towards people.so this morning she had a right go at me told me she hates me staying in my room and wants me out now...iv allready put my name on the housing and am looking for work..so i cant do anything eles to try and get my life back..i dont know what im going to do now as when i go back latter today its going to be very awkward and very tence betwen us both..i feel so abandand and rejected right now.i dont know what to do..my anxiety and depresion is at its highest rigjt now as i sit on a park bench in the rain knowing things cant and wont change for me

04-10-13, 12:36
So sorry to hear that Greg, is there any sheltered accommodation nearby you could go to? Do the housing know about your circumstances? If your sister doesn't want you living there anymore that would technically make you homeless and I'm sure they have to provide emergency housing in these cases? I may be wrong so best to check. Hope you find somewhere soon, sounds like your own place might be a just what you need if living with your sister is making you so unhappy.

04-10-13, 12:56
That's terrible Greg, I really feel for you.

I don't know what to say other than what jayjoe has said about contacting housing. I'd also inform your mental health team as they can help with things like this and intervene with housing on your behalf if you don't feel able.

Please let us know what happens. Sending you lots of hugs :hugs::hugs:

04-10-13, 12:58
greg, although your sister has been kind in allowing you to stay with her, it does sound as if she has issues of her own here. I dont feel you're doing anything wrong. As you say, youre clean & always clear up. You sound a like a good house-guest to me. If she's always been aggresive, maybe this makes it hard for her to reason with you, so instead of make comment before now, for her it's all blown up in one big scene. One thing that occurs to me is, could you offer to clean the sink & toilet when you are done? Or maybe because of her underlying issues she feels the need to do this herself. As we probably all know, people do focus on the strangest things sometimes. maybe she's fixated on certain things like the cleaning. I dont know. but i am offering you support. unfortunately i dont know anything about getting emergency housing but jayjoe's suggestions seems pretty good. definitely update the housing people on your current circumstances. dont let her drag you down greg. you have friends here. we are always here, always remember that. good foryou getting out on a rainy day too. many wouldnt even make it out of the door. sending you big hugs.

04-10-13, 16:25
been down to the council and updated my homeless status , told them ill be sleeping in a tent,they gave me a list of shelters but none are near me atall .and no matter where i move iv goto sort out my doctors all over again so i can get my weekly prescriptions this was really hard and stressfull last time

04-10-13, 17:04
Greg, ring the crisis team, you should be able to get contact with them 7 days.

04-10-13, 17:23
I think some people just like their own space. I had a family member staying with me for a while. I just wasn't comfortable with it all.

I would keep putting money aside in case you might need to move out.
It's her house so unfortunately she's can do and say whatever she like :(

I wonder if she's picking fights to try to make you want to leave.

Sorry you're so stuck in this situation. It's sad your sister doesn't want you there. I guess she's got her own issues and most people I find tend to be rather selfish.

I would try to organize in preparation for you moving.
Can you afford rent or get rent allowence!

Women n kids are always going to take those houses n they ain't going to stop popping out kids any time soon. Being a single man you could be waiting quite a time.

04-10-13, 18:27
sorry to read this , don't sit in the rain mate things will get better

04-10-13, 18:34
Sorry this has happened to you Greg you just don't need this at the moment. I have no wonderful solution to your problem but just to say thinking of you and willing things to get better for you. Take care and remember we are all here for you :bighug1:

04-10-13, 18:53
Hi Greg, really sorry to hear this :( I am guessing you are back at your sisters now for the evening and hoping that things may have calmed down a bit? :hugs::hugs:

04-10-13, 22:15
Sylraying at my mums tonight.had nothing back from my sister at all.she ignored me.ill be moving out next week to a friends house which is not ideal but is all o have ..feel so abandand right now

05-10-13, 11:41
I'm so sorry to hear this Greg.

I hope that your local council will be able to fix you up with something soon.

On the plus side, it would be lovely for you to have your own flat and live independently :)

Hoping that it all gets sorted soon though :hugs:

05-10-13, 11:48
So sorry greg, I do hope you will be able to get your own place soon:hugs::hugs: