View Full Version : Back from GP update. Pls advise

04-10-13, 11:49
Last week I had tonsillitis and this week one was still big so I went back today.

He said the infection has cleared but yes, the right is still a lot bigger than the left. He felt around my neck and said there are no lumps and he sees no medical reason to refer me.

He has started me on Beta blockers?? and if I don't feel better he will refer me then to ENT.

Now I am worried that if I don't get a referral I would be stupid and if I die of tonsil cancer it will be my fault.


Also, anyone tried Beta blockers?

04-10-13, 12:07
Beta blockers are used to help control heart rate and blood pressure. They prevent your heart from working too hard. Due to my heart issues, I've been on them for 6 years. He probably prescribed them to keep your heart calm due to anxiety and panic issues.

Antibiotics continue to work after you complete them and swelling associated with an infection can take a while to subside. If the swelling does not go away within a few weeks, go back to your GP and get the referral. In the mean time don't poke and prod your mouth or neck as that will only irritate things.

Remember, doctors are trained professionals and if your doctor saw or felt something that warranted further examination, you would have gotten the referral.

04-10-13, 17:05
So they might still go down then? Why didn't my GP tell me that? lol

He said that he isn't overlooking my tonsils but care more about getting my anxiety levels down.

I guess he would have referred me if he had any doubts.

Why can I only find things on google about it being tonsil cancer? I thought googling it would be harmless but apparently not.

04-10-13, 17:30
I was under a specialist for this for a few years. I didn't want my tonsils out and 6 months later another specialist said, "They should have taken them out - it might be cancer!"

I was shocked but then he looked agan and said, "However as you have had it this long..." he discharged me. I think it's still bigger. My GP and I think it is cos I mostly sleep on that side and have post-nasal drip, but far be it from me to suggest that to a Specialist!!

07-10-13, 21:57
It's still much bigger than the other one :(

Might ask my dentist for a second opinion when I take my kids for a check up this week.

My GP would have had me sent to an ent if he thought there was a tiny chance it was cancer, wouldn't he?

07-10-13, 22:23
Hun, as has been said, infections cause inflamation and that inflamation can take a little while to go back down :)

I would think it highly unlikely that it's cancer because I believe that your doctor would have picked that up straight away, he's not concerned and doesn't think you need any further investigation, so try and let that reassure you hun :hugs:

08-10-13, 10:56
I've got the exact same thing. I had tonsillitis about 6 months ago, and the tonsil that had it the worst is still bigger than the other to this day. I saw an ENT specialist (after freaking out at the doctors, she said she'd refer me to put my mind at ease), because I noticed not only was one tonsil bigger, but the palpillae stuff on one side was bigger too! He looked at my throat, tongue, under tongue, the full whack. He said I was fine and to not Google ever, unless I'm looking to buy a new car or TV. He actually said that. And that Google is ridiculous and always completely out of context. He also said I was the third girl he'd seen that DAY who'd googled and scared the hell out of themselves. So I asked if my tongue/throat may stay like that, he said yes. He said if it gets bigger then to come back, but that I was fine. So there you go! Despite seeing the specialist I'm still obsessed with my tongue. I have an ulcer right in my 'scary' area on my tongue and I'm in hell. Just got back from docs myself, she said it's just an ulcer and that sinister ulcers are very big, deep and nasty looking. Just goes round in circles! Your doc would know if there was a problem. I know how you feel! X

08-10-13, 11:16
Both my partner and daughter have visible tonsils (what I mean by that is you can see tgem all the time whereas mine are tucked away in their little 'bed').
My daughter always has one bigger than the other too and she has never had tonsillitis (my partner and I both have had it once before).

08-10-13, 11:18
Tonsillitis is so common and complications are very rare. As a regular sufferer of it I find swelling can take a while to go down, after the initial infection and pain has gone. I really wouldn't worry about cancer or anything serious happening because the doctor would have spotted it.

LF87 - ulcers can be caused by stress, eating too much sugar or not brushing properly. I've had ulcers on my tongue before and they heal QUICKER than normal mouth ulcers. Don't check it, let it heal on it's own.

08-10-13, 11:25
He said I was fine and to not Google ever, unless I'm looking to buy a new car or TV. He actually said that. And that Google is ridiculous and always completely out of context. He also said I was the third girl he'd seen that DAY who'd googled and scared the hell out of themselves.

:yesyes:Well said that doctor. I've been resisting the urge, but foolishly allowed myself near Dr Google yesterday and briefly convinced myself that I have at least five different illnesses, when in fact what I have is side-effects from starting the pill combined with the sniffly cold bug that's been going round my office. Idiot!!!

---------- Post added at 11:25 ---------- Previous post was at 11:24 ----------

Oh and I meant to say - ulcers can TOTALLY be caused by stress or just being slightly run down. Some people are just prone to them.

08-10-13, 12:18
I'm terrible with ulcers. Because all of my fears are focussed on my mouth/tongue, if I get an ulcer I literally wait for it to go. Every day it's there is difficult. The one on my tongue has been there 5 days. I had to go to the doctors. She just said 'it's just an ulcer'. Which I know. But every day it's there I'm panicking that it won't go away and they'll discover I have oral C. It's just driving me mad! I even put salt on it, right on it, to try burn it off. This ulcer worry is all down to the wonderful and insightful Dr Google. Obviously!

08-10-13, 12:58
Are you sure the salt thing actually does any good? I've heard of gargling with salt water for ulcers, but not putting salt directly on it! I suppose it kind of makes sense, though. Five days doesn't sound that long to me - I'm sure mine have lasted over a week - and they're definitely longer-lasting if you fiddle with them.

08-10-13, 14:37
Thank you.

I love the tonsil being tucked away under the little bed thing :) One of mine is and the other isn't.

I guess I will just have to trust my GP. It hasn't got any bigger.

---------- Post added at 14:37 ---------- Previous post was at 14:35 ----------

Ouch!! salt right on an ulcer is torture lol

08-10-13, 20:09
Salt on the ulcer was something I read somewhere, an old remedy that apparently works. Bloody hurt though! I think I'll just have to leave it and hope it's gone for when I go on holiday! Or I'll worry about it the whole time! I can quite easily tell you trust the GP - however I was there at 10 this morning and already stressing over my ulcer again. Not cool!

08-10-13, 20:42
When I was going through oral cancer treatment my mouth was like raw hamburger due to the radiation and chemo. I used a solution of:

16oz water
1tbsp of baking soda
1tsp of salt
5g Glutamine (optional but recommended)

Rinse and gargle every two hours. Really helped to take the edge off the pain.

Good Luck!