View Full Version : I hurt

07-07-04, 02:20
I am having a bad day. I had to drive 24miles to take and pick up my daughter from summer school. For some reason I was very tense!
I don't know why but I think maybe it has something to do with my insurance agent coming by today and telling me about his heart attack and telling me that I need more life insurance. Also I am premenstral!
My arms hurt. My legs hurt. My back hurts. What doesn't?
I am taking Toprol XL, for a week now. My b/p is better. I just don't know what is wrong with me. Part of me says I'm fine and the other part wants to run to the Emergency room. YUCK! Thanks for listening.

07-07-04, 16:02
Hi there

Hope you're feeling a little better now. Sounds like you have a lot going on today and with the long drive too its no surprise you're feeling a bit yuk. Try not to let today get you down too much, these sort of days unfortunately do happen from time to time but it doesn't mean tomorrow or the next day will be same as this one. As for the insurance salesman - of course he's going to tell you that you need more life cover - he wants more commission. Just ignore the implications he was making it only his job.

Lots of love Jo xxx

08-07-04, 05:40
Hi Jo!

I am feeling a little better today. Not alot. I did get a visit from my "friend" today if you know what I mean. So the edge is off a bit.
Somedays, I don't think that I will survive. Somenights I don't think I'll see morning, then I wake up to another day. My body feels so tense most days. I just wish I knew how to relax. No more what if thinking. Thanks for the reply. If no one replied I would think that no one cared.

08-07-04, 09:12
Hi there

Hope you are feeling better today. When I am feeling very tense and want to try and relax I lie in a hot bath with lavender oil in it and it seems to do the trick. You had a tough day between everything so now give some time to yourself and do something for you. Keep coming to the forum it has certainly helped me a great deal over the last few weeks, I find it as good a therapy as any to talk to like minded people who know what we are going through.

Take care:D


08-07-04, 15:47
A full body massage is brilliant for the arms , legs and back aches that may be from holding yourself so tense all the time.

Being premenstrual is when you are at your most vulnerable so put this incident down to that and look ahead ..


Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind.
If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.
Robert Albert Bloch

08-07-04, 17:52
hi cyndi,
glad your feeling a least a bit better today. the lavender oil in the bath works great for me aswell.

xxx grace

09-07-04, 00:35
Hi everyone,
I am much better today. I do need to take more time for myself. I am an old grandma lady at 39 raising a 2 1/2 yr old grandson and have another 9 yr old daughter myself. Not much time to relax in a bath with a baby banging on the door. Not to mention the problems with my 21 yr old and having a 16 going on 17 yr old daughter at home as well.
I never get anytime to myself. I am home Mon-Fri and work 12hr shifts on the weekends at a nursing home. Stress always! Thanks so much for being there for me.

09-07-04, 18:14
hope you are feeling happier now. Good thing BP is better - one less worry [me too]. Golly you have so much on it makes me tired just reading your post LOL.

you try to find some 'me' time - I know it can't be easy.

Love Tess xx

09-07-04, 19:43
hello there,
Hope you are feeling better by now! Don't worry, we all go through rough patches where everything aches and all goes wrong so you're not alone!! Just try to concentrate on the good times!!
Sarah (seh1980)

09-07-04, 20:14
Hi there

So glad things are picking up for you and you feel a bit better. It really does sound like you've got absolutely loads on so its no wonder things get the better of you from time to time, especially when you're pre-menstrual (makes me like an evil gremlin).

Sounds so obvious but try to make some time just for you, even its a half an hour in the bath with the door firmly closed, some nice candles, maybe a glass of wine on the side ...

Lots of love Jo xxx

10-07-04, 01:50
Hiya grlnxdoor,

WOW!!!!! you really do have alot going on. No wonder the yuck ey?

I feel for ya dear. I truly do.

I too have an 18 year old going on 19 that has estranged herself from me in the past few weeks to a month or so.

I also have a 17 year old going on 18 that is in the process of trying to get employment and do the neccessary 'SENIOR PICTURES' and everything that goes along with preparing for her 'SENIOR' year. Who I might add has summer school this summer too. starting on July 26th, and last but not least my just turned 14 year old son who demands alot of me. Maybe, just maybe because he is the only boy and the baby too. :)

Thank God I don`t have any granchildren yet. I can hardly deal with the challenges these teenagers bring about.

I know exactly how you are feeling. I feel quite overwhelmed most of the time myself. Sometimes I just want to be taken care of ya know? Of course you know. DUH!!!!!! ;)

I am glad that you are feeling a bit better dear.

The old visit from the "FRIEND" does really take the edge off does`nt it? LOL....... :-D

I agree with all of the other posts. Try as best you can to grab a little 'you' time. If only for 15 minutes to collect your sanity once again.

I am soooo pleased to hear the BP is doing good.

Don`t worry too much about the old insurance guy. He needs to make a living too. Too bad though at our expense ey?

Hang in there dear. It gets better. Trust me. :)

Loadsa Love Your Way.

Love, Diana xoxoxo

10-07-04, 09:32
Hi there

Glad you are feeling better, I'm not surprised you were feeling tense with so much going on in your life right now. But it is important to have some " me " time which I have realised over the last few weeks, it definetly makes you feel better. Try and get one of the kids to look aftr the baby and have an hour to yourself ! Try to de-stress and think positive.

Take care


10-07-04, 18:56
Hiya Elaine,

You are soooo right.

We all do need our 'ME' time don`t we?

It really does make quite a difference indeed.

Hoping you all are enjoying your weekend.

Take care all.

Love, Diana xoxoxo